The Doylestown Starter Pack
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The Doylestown Starter Pack

It turns out Doylestown is cooler than we thought it was.

The Doylestown Starter Pack
Google Images

In the past 22 weeks, I have been to two continents, three countries, nine cities and countless towns. Somehow, after traveling to these wonderful places and experiencing some of the world's most amazing sights, I found myself missing my hometown that I described up until now as boring, lame and any other synonym you can think of.

As much as I love traveling and constantly changing my mailing address, I miss the place where I learned to ride a bike, where I formed lifelong friendships, where I endured my awkward middle school phase and where I received my college acceptance letter in our mailbox. This place shaped me into who I am today, and I miss it more and more every day. It turns out, Doylestown is actually pretty cool. Here's how you know if you're really a Doylestown native.

1. You've tried to channel your inner hipster at Zen Den.

No matter how many local bands you've gone to see or how many fancy designs you get on your cappuccino, you can't force the hipster life.

2. Your ultimate day in town is breakfast at Bagel Barrel, lunch at Jules, dinner at Steak and Hoagie and dessert at Nina's.

And whenever your out-of-town friends come to visit, you make sure to hit all of them in one day.

3. The County Theater sign is a prime Insta opportunity.

Admit it, you've done it. The iconic sign is just too deserving of the Insta fame, and it's guaranteed to get those double taps.

4. Kids Castle is home to a lot of memories, and you were stronger than the rumors of tearing it down.

Tag, hide and seek and the tire swing - if your parents couldn't find you, you never had to leave, right?

5. You've never actually been to Michener or Mercer museum, but you always point it out to friends visiting.

That castle looking building? Oh yeah, that's a museum.

6. You are still wondering why we have two court houses across the street from each other.

What's the deal, Doylestown? Do we really have such a surplus of crime in the suburbs of Bucks County? Fun fact: The original court house is shaped like a toilet from aerial view.

7. You wasted a lot of your time and a lot of your parent's money at Paint N' Pottery.

"But Mom, I have to have the dog statue. I will keep it forever, I swear."

8. Running or biking six miles at Lake Galena (or at least attempting to).

You feel personally victimized by the 8 percent trail incline every time.

9. You describe where you live as "right outside of Philly."

Is an hour away really considered "right outside"?

10. You still wait in line to see the Peddler's Village gingerbread houses.

And every year you say that next year you are going to enter, but then you don't because these gingerbread artists went to gingerbread house making school or something.

11. The Montgomery Mall was the middle school hot spot on a weekend night.

You owned that new graphic tee from Hollister or Aero on Monday. Full size logo across the chest was a must because how else would everyone know where your trendy new shirt was from?

12. One extra large Chocolate Elvis, please.

Always undo your workout with a sugary smoothie post-YMCA.

13. You saw every classmate you've ever had at the YMCA after school.

You could always count on an awkward gym encounter and pretending to text every time they walk past you.

14. Every time you hear Pink, you act like you personally know her because she's a local.

Doylestown represent.

15. You had a Doylestown Rock Gym birthday party almost every weekend as a youngin.

The upside down wall was a true test of strength.

16. Giggleberry Fair has a special place in your heart.

The things I would do to launch one of those cannons right now.

17. Your fun fact is always that "Signs" was filmed in our town.

And if it wasn't your fun fact, it is now.

18. Our Starbucks is superior to any other Starbucks, hands down.

The historical white building with those green shutters and patio seating just really does something for us.

19. Annie's Water Ice puts Rita's to shame.

Opening day is basically the greatest day of the year.

20. If you knew someone with a Fanny Chapman membership, they were your new summer best friend.

"Oh you have a Fanny membership? I'm around all summer if you ever want to hang."

21. Nat's pizza. No explanation needed.

There is nothing better than a slice, or two or five, from Nat's before or after an East-West game.

22. You always count on Rice's Market for your sunglasses and socks needs.

But don't plan on getting anything other than sunglasses, socks, phone cases and knock-off handbags.

23. Cross Keys Diner can cure all evils.

Especially after a Friday or Saturday night. It's always so exciting to find out what coffee mug you're going to get.

Doylestown, I take back all the horrible things I said about you when I was desperate to leave for college. You will always be the real MVP.

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