Doug The Pug Is Cooler Than You And I Can Prove It
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Doug The Pug Is Cooler Than You And I Can Prove It

Doug the Pug is more than the "King of Pop Culture"; he might at well run for president.

Doug The Pug Is Cooler Than You And I Can Prove It
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Trends come and go right before our eyes every day, especially advancements in media. Whether an idea or concept sticks depends on the reaction of the public and how the information is spread. I learned about this phenomenon while reading "The Tipping Point" by Malcom Gladwell for a social media class. Luckily, for a Nashville college student, her four-legged companion had “it,” whatever that may be.

Doug the Pug has become a household name. Not only is he the “King of Pop Culture,” but he can do Kim Kardashian better than Kim K herself. He has made appearances with Ed Sheeran, alternative music videos for the band Fall Out Boy’s song “Irresistible” featuring Demi Lovato, and lived every girl’s fantasy of being kissed by Justin Bieber. One could go on for days talking about his accomplishments because for a 3-year-old-pug, he has had quite the career. To say Doug is a big deal would be an understatement. He has taken America by storm with his bulgy eyes, smushy face, and curly tail.

It all started after Leslie Mosier made the decision to get a dog. As any normal human would, she posted pictures of him on her social media accounts. Since Doug was so photogenic, people would like the photos. And once again, like any normal human, she created an account for Doug. His fame was inevitable. Doug was destined for success and not a soul could stop him from wearing costumes and taking funny pictures.

As of March 3, 2016, Doug the Pug has over 1.5 million followers on Instagram, over 76,000 Twitter followers, and almost 4 million likes on Facebook. In addition, he has over 36,000 followers on Vine and over 40,000 subscribers on YouTube. He had photos shown on "Good Morning America" and is featured in notable publications like Cosmopolitan, TIME, BuzzFeed, and the Huffington Post. I know all this because I own everything he is in, like any true Doug fan would. Let’s face it: Doug the Pug is cooler than you.

He is so much more than the “King of Pop Culture”; he’s a social media icon, celebrity dog, and an internet sensation. And to think this all started after the video of Doug with a pug balloon went viral. People couldn’t get enough of him, me included. It may seem dramatic to say a dog has changed America, but it’s true. He has brought laughter into the lives of so many people. Doug stands for hope. This little creature has shown the world that anything is possible. I think Doug would agree that he is more than just a dog; he represents pugs all around the world.

Now, Doug the Pug has an official website along with the certifications from each social media site making him “official.” I currently have his 2016 calendar hanging up in my bedroom. His merchandise is not only reasonably priced, but great quality and adorable. You are promised a smile with each purchase. For all the Doug fans out there, I would like to thank Leslie Mosier for loving her dog. If it weren’t for your faith in Doug, he wouldn’t have made it where he is. Know that he is embedded in our everyday lives and his legacy will live on.

It’s remarkable to watch the world evolve with time. We have seen trends of all types endure the harsh reality of acceptance or denial. The trends that stick, like Facebook, Odyssey, or Doug, are capable of breaking records and changing the way people think. Doug gives everyone the ability to always dream and work hard. His success can’t be measured in the number of followers he has, but instead the amount of happiness he brought to people’s days.

So I challenge you all to go to your social networking sites and find Doug. Go visit and stay up to date with his appearances and maybe even buy a shirt. I know I will. By following Doug, you are supporting what he stands for, like entrepreneurship, the influence of media, and hope. Doug the Pug is the future.

Thank you Leslie Mosier, and thank you Doug. You have left such an adorable paw print on my heart, and I’m sure many others. Doug inspires me every day to be a boss with my computer background or to stay organized with his calendar.

For more information on Doug the Pug, visit…






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