We all doubt God, we question our faith, we contemplate his existence. Up until I turned 16 or 17, I never questioned God’s existence, I never doubted the bible and its content. The bible stories they told us in Sunday school were not just stories; they were real things that happened. Then I grew up and started thinking about my faith in a deeper way, I learned about evolution in school and I started to think that maybe God didn’t exist, that some divine being couldn’t have created all of this. I struggled with this for a while. I went to church with my family, still doubting my faith.
My senior year of high school, I took human anatomy. This class helped me grow in my faith, if you can believe it. I remember learning about all the body systems and how everything works, how everything is connected and serves a purpose. Everything in the human body is so complicated, intricate and absolutely amazing. I am not saying ‘amazing’ just to say it, I mean the human body is amazing. When you think about all of the parts of the body and then break that down to organs, bones, muscles, joints, cells, nerves, tendons and how they are all interconnected to each other to make you, it’s almost incomprehensible. The human body is extraordinary; everything in it was perfectly designed to work the way it does.
How could all of that have come from a bacteria evolving into a primate and then a human? I do believe that evolution did happen, but to tell me that we came from bacteria, that the intricate, complicated thing that is the human body came from a single celled organism, is just crazy to me. There has to be more to it than that, it couldn't have just come from nothing. The human body is living proof that God exists, he created us in his perfect image, and it is his divine work.
If that’s not proof enough, just think about space. We only know a little about it and what it contains. Think about our galaxy alone and how big that is, and then think about how there are innumerable other galaxies that exist. Think about how many stars there are in all of those galaxies, think about our planet; all the animals, plants, trees, water, the mysteries of the oceans. How can that not be God’s work? How can all of that have come from nothing? The universe is infinite and so mysterious, and we are only a tiny part of it. Whenever I have doubts I just look up at the sky, and I am reminded of how God is awesome and all-powerful, and he is real.
“By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.” Hebrews 11:2