Double standards: a rule that is unfairly applied in different ways to different groups of people. Regardless of gender, race, ethnicity and background, everyone has been a victim of double standards.
Today, one major double standard that happens is the one among gender, also known as the "Battle of the Sexes". Women are getting called "sluts" and "whores" for behaving and having the same mind set that a man does. Why do men not get judged and called names? Both sexes are acting out on the same thing, yet socially it's OK for a man to be with multiple women and a time yet it's "whoring" around when a woman does so? If one gender has to be ashamed and bashed for it, why doesn't the other? #DoubleStandard
These gender double standards start at a young age. Parents are even guilty of having double standards for raising their children. For example, when they're raising a daughter, she has curfew, she's to learn to cook and clean. She's not to have boys in her room, she's not to even think about having sex. Meanwhile, when they're raising a son, the boy has no curfew, does what he wants when he wants, and his mom still cooks and cleans for him. Girls come in and out of his room as they please and parents buy him condoms telling him "make sure you wrap it". How are you supposed to fairly raise two kids of the opposite sex? #DoubleStandard
We are in 2016, yet double standards are still an issue going on not only in the social world, but also in the professional world. Women only make $0.79 for every dollar earned by a man, leaving them with a 21 percent gap in pay. Yet, women work just as hard, and just as much as a man does. #Feminists have brought up the issues and double standards that not only women but everyone face on a day to day basis.
Personally, I feel that #DoubleStandards need to be laid to rest. We are all people who deserve the same levels of respect and to be treated equally regardless of our gender. Raise your children with the same rules. Don't make cooking and cleaning a woman's job, and don't make outside work a man's job. Alternate the work between them, give your daughter the "No boys in the room" rule give your son the "No girls in the room" in the room rule. Dads: teach your daughters to stand up for herself. Moms: teach your sons emotions are OK to be shared from time to time. It's easy to fairly raise two children of the opposite sex it's just up to the parents and the effort they give into raising them in those ways. As far as for society if parents start raising their children equally eventually they'll be the ones in charge and it'll fix itself then. But it starts at home, like so many other things. #STOPDoubleStandards