Do: Keep your door open for the first few weeks of school
After moving into your dorm, you are going to want to see who your neighbors are and meet some potential friends. Prop your door open to say hello to people as they walk by, get to know their faces, or welcome them in to introduce yourself!
Don't: Hibernate in your dorm
I know the first few weeks of living in an entirely new place on your own can be intimidating, but hiding in your dorm is the least affective way to make friends. Getting out of your comfort zone may be tricky at first, but once you do it, it'll be well worth it.
Don't: Assume that scheduled events will be "boring"
Well, sitting in your dorm instead of going to events on campus sounds "boring", too!
Do: Have fun and enjoy yourself
College is an amazing time to meet new people, socialize, and have fun. These will be some of the best years of your life, so get out there and make the most of it!
Don't: Forget that school is a priority
While having fun and socializing in college should be a priority, just remember that you are there for your education. Make sure you are on track with your schoolwork before you go out and play!
Do: Seek academic help on campus
There are so many resources on campus to ensure that you will get the most out of your schooling, I promise. There are math centers, writing centers, study groups, tutors, you name it, it's there! Also, professors offer office hours in which you can visit them to discuss matters one-on-one. Your professors want to help you, so visit them!
Don't: Let your grades slip because you didn't utilize your resources
There is nothing more frustrating for a professor than them having to watch a student's grades slip because they didn't put the effort in to save them. If you are having trouble in a class, there is so much you can do about it!
Do: Join as many clubs as you can
Clubs are a great way to collaborate with people who share the same hobbies and passions as you and they enable you to get involved around campus. Most colleges offer an unbelievable amount of different clubs, so dive in and explore!
Don't: Join clubs that you cannot commit to
Although clubs are an incredible way to get involved, sometimes students have a tendency to spread themselves too thin and take on more than they can handle. If you cannot commit to a club that needs you, then perhaps you should dismiss yourself until you think you can fit it into your schedule.
Do: Find a quiet nook in the library to study
There are so many places to study on campus, but nothing beats a quiet spot in the library; no noises, distractions, or interruptions. You won't believe how much work you can get done once you're focused.
Don't: Try to study in your cozy bed
We have all been there, done that! Studying in your bed might sound like a good idea at first, but then you start to doze off or get distracted and you never get done what you anticipated.
Do: Enjoy the many delicious food options that your campus has to offer
Subway, Panda Express, Einstein Bagels, mmm! Make sure to spice up your meal choices every once in awhile so you don't get bored with eating the same thing every day.
Don't: Adapt to an unhealthy diet
Colleges are notorious for offering foods that maybe aren't the most nutritious for you. While they do have healthy options, some people love that they can grab fries and chicken tenders whenever they want, so they do! Don't adapt to eating like this every day, because not only is it unhealthy for your physical state, but your mental state as well. Properly fuel your body and your brain!
Do: Go to the gym
Most colleges offer students free access to their on-campus gym, so please, take advantage of it! Whether you go every day or only a few days a week, get some sort of physical activity so you can stay energized and in shape.
Don't: Gain the notorious "Freshmen Fifteen"
If you do adapt to an unhealthy diet and don't go to the gym, then you will gain the "Freshman Fifteen!" It seems easy to put on, but it is also just as easy to avoid.
Do: Keep in contact with friends and family back at home
Answer your mother's phone calls, tell your grandparents you love them, FaceTime your friends, etc. You do not have to talk to them every day, but don't become a stranger to them! They miss you!
Don't: Go home every weekend
Please, please, please do not do this. I know it is nice to see your parents and have home-cooked meals, but this will only make the idea of living away from home harder. Try to only visit once every month or two if possible.