Finals are over! You're finally back at home free of responsibilities. With a month-long break, you get a lot of time to do whatever you want, but that does not mean you should. You can't just lounge all day, every day. You can't keep telling people you want to get food with them when you don't actually plan to. You can't let that certain boy in again because we know it's just a never-ending cycle with him. But, don't you worry! Here's a list of dos and don'ts of being home from college!
1. Do: hang out with your friends you haven't seen in awhile. Don't: say you miss them and want to see them if you're not going to follow through.
Don't be one of those people!
2. Do: catch up on your sleep. Don't: sleep so much that it's all you end up doing during break.
Sleep is great and all, but do you really need THAT much?
3. Do: some Christmas shopping. Don't: zero out your bank account.
Don't go overboard. Remember to be practical and savvy.
4. Do: take advantage of your mom doing your laundry for you. Don't: just sit around at home and not help with some chores.
You don't get special treatment just because college has tired you out.
5. Do: go on cute dates when you get the chance. Don't: hang out with any boy that only makes plans with you past midnight.
Don't forget what Dua Lipa taught us!
6. Do: have lazy days where you just stay in bed and watch Netflix all day. Don't: do it every single day that you end up wasting your break doing just that.
Lazy days every now and then is fine, but every single day? No bueno!
7. Do: enjoy some holiday treats. Don't: become as big as Santa.
Save some for everyone else!
8. Do: spend time with your family. Don't: go out so much that you're almost never home and don't see them.
They're not just your roommates for the month!
9. Do: get rowdy with your friends. Don't: make decisions you know you will regret later on.
Have fun, but be responsible!
10. Do: get scheduled for work to make some extra money. Don't: overwork yourself and be stressed out.
You know you're going to need some after all the spending you did last semester.
11. Do: be productive and run errands. Don't: be a bum and depend on your mom for everything.
Be a productive member of society!
12. Do: get in the holiday spirit. Don't: be a buzzkill and ruin the mood for everyone else.
Let's try not to be like the Grinch.
13. Do: enjoy break until it lasts. Don't: start worrying and stressing about next semester already.
Having a month of no school seems like plenty of time, but we all know how fast it'll fly by. Don't waste too much of it! Don't just watch Netflix every day. Don't complain about wanting to go back to school already. Don't hide from everyone. Make the best out of your break!