It’s that time again: The Presidential Election. Obama is saying peace out and passing the baton to the next contender. Some are convinced that the sky is falling with this year’s candidates: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Wait….what? Donald Trump wants to build a wall and scandalous Hillary is sending emails regarding the security of our country. If you ask me, this election is a dud, and for many of us college students, this is our first election. Is this a joke? What a rip-off. Monica Lewinski’s ex-boyfriend’s wife and a Cheeto with a toupee go neck in neck to lead the good ole U-S-of-A.
With all of the controversies in the air of these two candidates, it is easy for one to become wrapped up in the political drama. I repeat: this may be your very first election, and it may be a little discouraging. However, here are some helpful hints on how to be a good voter.
Decide what you are looking for from the next President of the United States. Are you wanting someone conservative? Liberal? These are important facts to identify when placing your vote. Learn about each candidate's platform.
Do. Not. Band. Wagon. Just because Mommy and Daddy are Southern Democrats down to the core does not mean you hold the same ideals. Just because your girlfriends all went to the Bernie rally doesn’t mean you believe college should be free (let’s be real, we’re all going to be broke one way or another). You’re paying for your education, use some of your knowledge and think for yourself.
Register to vote. If you’re going to be away at school, get an absentee ballot. Especially in an election such as this one, it is easy to think “forget it”. Why waste your vote on something that you don’t believe in? One vote can make a difference.
Participate in the Twitter drama. Don’t be one of those people who tries to act like they know what they’re talking about. That fancy 140+ character Tweet you typed out about how much you just can’t stand Hillary or how idiotic Trump is? Odds are no one is going to read it and take your rant seriously.
Correctly inform yourself. Watch the debates, read the paper, hell, watch the news. Do not just depend on your Twitter feed and Facebook pages. Several accounts are misinformed and pages contain bias. The only way to form your own opinion is to watch for yourself. When it comes down to that moment in the ballot box, you want to know exactly what you are voting for.
Square up y'all, this is the real deal. This is not your high school civics classroom where you debate on who would be best at what and who you would potentially vote for, you're voting. Get the stickers ready, it's going to be one wild election.