As someone who travels quite often, nothing grinds my gears more than people who do not understand how to get through airport security in a timely fashion. So, for those of you who maybe have not traveled a lot or have never traveled, please use this as a guide, the do's and don'ts for your travels over the holidays. Otherwise, I will continue to feel like Barney Stinson from "How I Met Your Mother."
Do: Have your boarding pass either on your phone or printed out before you even get in line
The TSA agent who lets you pass will need to see this and a photo ID. Please have these ready. There is nothing worse than watching people stand in line oblivious to life, and then taking five minutes to fumble in their purse or pocket looking for their ID. It not only bothers your fellow travelers, but also the TSA agent who now has to wait on you.
Don't: Have your pockets full of change or have a lot of metal on you
You will have to go through a scanner. This scanner will go off if you have anything abnormal on your person. For the most part, earrings and rings are okay. However, some necklaces, etc., will set off the alarm. And, as for the change part, I wish I could express to all of you how many times I have had to stand there and wait for someone to empty out $10 worth of change into the bin. Please, don't be that guy.
Do: Understand that laptops need to be easily accessible to take out
They are getting serious about this one. I have personally never had to remove my iPad or toiletries; however, with recent events, this may change. Make sure everything is accessible. Otherwise, you'll be standing there either at the beginning or end of security having a fun chat with a TSA agent.
Don't: Wear anything that is going to be hard to get off
This includes shoes. Do not wear shoes that will take you a year and a half to take off and put back on. And, hey, guess what. This also includes belts. Take your belt off. Better yet, do not wear one. Most people forget they're even wearing a belt, so I will give them that. However, just don't wear one - or a hoodie, or a hard-to-get-off jacket, or anything that is hard to get off in any way. Please, don't be that person who basically has to undress in front of everyone. It's embarrassing.
Do: Wait your turn
We are all going to essentially the same place. Please do not cut in front of me just because for some reason you feel like you're entitled to do so. I do not care if you are first-class business. You cutting in front of me and everyone else to go through the body scanner will not, in fact, get you anywhere faster, but it will most certainly annoy everyone behind you.
Don't: Leave a mess behind you
I cannot explain to all of you how many times I have cleaned up the bins behind people who felt like it was not their job to put them away and help the TSA agents out even a little bit. Remember that even though it is their job, they deal with the general public on a daily basis starting at 4 a.m. I don't know about you, but that sounds terrible to me. Anything that you can do to make their lives a little easier will help.
With all of this in mind, please, be safe if you are out their traveling! Now, go out there, and be the best traveler you can be, not the idiot in front of you.