Moving into college soon?? Going to some place totally different than home? Here are some helpful Do's and Don'ts tips you should keep in mind when you move into your new school!
Stay in touch with your friends and family back at home!
No matter where you are located, you will still get homesick. You might go to school thinking you are ready to move on from your hometown because you have been there your whole life! What you might not understand is that you will have moments in college where you will miss being home in that quiet place where you think or hang out with your family. If you think you will get homesick, take a few minutes in your dorm room and facetime/skype your family or friends back at home. It will really help you get through the next week or so until the next time you see them.
Spend all of your summer job-making money right away!
Even though you want to do a lot on your free time instead of studying, you don’t want to spend all of your money within the first couple months of school. You never know when you might really need it, so it might help you if you put a little aside for important things like textbooks or emergency needs.
Mingle with other classmates!
You are here to study and be yourself around new people! The more people you meet, the better your college experience will be! Be with people who are good for you. You don’t want to be in a crowd where you can’t be yourself in. College might be the place where you meet your best friend(s)!
Get caught drinking. It will go on your school record.
You are in school to study and enjoy yourself, but if you get caught drinking under aged, there may be consequences. You might get a warning, pay a fine, do community service, or get kicked out of school. Getting caught while drinking will be on record no matter what. You are allowed to have fun, but have fun with the right people.
Save time for your studies!
Although you may find that college is full of fun times with good people, you are in school for a reason, which is to get a degree and fulfill your dreams. This doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. Just means that you should look ahead with your schedule and see what needs to get done and when things are due so you don’t miss anything important!
Go out with the wrong people.
If you feel like you are surrounded by tough crowd that you just are not sure of, don’t feel pressured that you think you have to hang out with them. If you feel uncomfortable around them, and not sure what to do, ask for help or see the campus counselors for advice if you feel as though you aren’t getting the advice you hoped to get. Surround yourself with the personalities that fit you the best because they will make your college career the best ever.
Make frequent visits to your academic advisors.
They are there to help you make sure you are on the right track, pick out your courses for the upcoming semester, and to get that pressure off of your back because we all know college can be stressful. These people are your friends and you might regret not visiting them because of how helpful they are to your present and future.
Do something that you THINK you’ll regret the next morning/day.
If you think of an idea that your friends think is something fun that you think you should give a try, think twice about it. Basically, if you’re not sure if it’s a good idea, then it probably isn’t. Is this the best choice you have made? Will I be proud of this choice tomorrow? Will this affect my grades? Is this a good thing to do on a Monday? These kinds of questions will help you decide what works best for you and if you have made the right decision.
Bring your school ID and license everywhere you go on/off campus.
You never know when you need them! These things will allow you to get into your dorms and save you from trouble! You could do a lot with your ID. You could use it for meal swipes, getting into your dorm building, passing the RA’s at 9pm, etc. ALWAYS bring it no matter where you go. If you don’t have your school ID or if your guest isn’t a member of the school, that’s the time you need your license. Always have that on you in case something like that happens.