Without a doubt, the best way to spend a weekend morning is at brunch. Catching up with friends on what has happened over the past week (and usually a highlight reel of the night before) while eating the best meal of the day can't be beat.
There is something special about sharing a meal with friends, but it's an added bonus when you can be slightly a hot mess, too -- think Sex and the City brunch. Whether you are enjoying the ambiance at your college dining commons, or have made the trek to a nicer spot in a city, there are some classic do's and don't's on how to make the most of your brunch experience.
Do: Make sure to bring all of your friends.
Ladies and gentlemen, this may just be the single most important tip. Brunch is not the same when it's just you and your to-go container with a breakfast sandwich. Brunch is to be enjoyed in the company of your closest pals. It's worth taking the time out of your week to relax with your friends before getting back to work.
Don't: Underestimate the healing powers of breakfast foods.
There truly is nothing like going to brunch to make you feel better. If it's been a tough week, or was just a rough night before, nothing perks you up like a freshly made omelette and maybe a Bloody Mary or mimosa... or two.
Do: Splurge a little.
Whether that means having an extra mini donut or spending the extra money on a fancy brunch once in a while, it's worth it. There's literally nothing else like brunch. #TreatYourself
Don't: Splurge a lot.
I once went to brunch in Soho and spent $7 on a champagne flute full of orange juice I watched them pour out of a carton. Lesson learned? The best brunch doesn't have to be the most expensive brunch.
Do: Make memories.
I know this may seem like a little much, but some of the funniest memories are either made during brunch or recounted for years to come over your stack of pancakes. Being able to fill your friends in on what you've been up to (or have them fill you in on what you've been up to, depending on how the week has been going), is an underrated highlight of the weekend.
Don't: Wait too long.
Long lines or the leisurely pace of brunch are not suited for the hangry type. If you're the notorious hangry friend who needs to get their meals in on time, make sure to either call ahead or hit your favorite brunch spot a little earlier than the crowd. Same rules apply for waiting too long to find the value of a great brunch -- there are only so many weekends to enjoy the glory of brunch, so hop on the bandwagon now!