Finals week is upon us and for many students, this is where their inner procrastinator comes to life. We all do it, so no need to be ashamed. No one can go four straight hours studying for their marketing final without taking a couple breaks in between. If you're having trouble getting back in the zone once you've started procrastinating look no further -- you've come to the right place. Here are some tips of things you should and should not do while you whither away at the library.
Do take a break to walk around or stretch.
Grades and GPA are important, but so is taking care of your body. We forget every now and again that even though we're students, we're still human beings who require basic necessities such as muscles that work. If you're on hour three in the same chair at the library, take a 15 minutes break to get up and walk around. Heck! Do some simple stretching just to make sure you still know how to use your limbs.
Don't use your break time to heavily socialize.
We're not saying to completely isolate yourself, but finding a group of friends and starting to exchange stories is a surefire way to lose track of time and fall behind. We suggest studying with a couple friends in order to not feel like you're a complete hermit.
Do remember to stay nourished.
Eating might be the last thing on your mind right now, but it is incredibly important to feed yourself and stay hydrated. Bring a bottle of water and some snacks. We suggest nut mixes, fruits, or granola bars to keep you energized, as well!
Don't take a nap.
As tempting as it is, taking a nap in between breaks will just make you more tired than you already are. Push through and try to get as much done so that you can potentially get to bed earlier that night! Sleep is for the weak, anyway.
Do set organized times for you to start your work again.
Taking a two-hour break will just get you out of the zone and keep you in the library longer than necessary. Keep your breaks under 20 minutes and that way you can jump back into your studies without disrupting your learning cycle!
Don't give up.
You are so close to being done with this semester! This past week may have felt like it sucked all of the life out of you, but there is an end and you are almost at the finish line. You've got this!