We know that work and school can get the best of us at times. And all we want to do is get together with our closest friends, dress up and go out to dance or drink the night away (I personally prefer the dance floor to alcohol).
My closest friends and I don’t go out every weekend because we each have a lot going on and it is impossible! But when we do, we go all out! I usually walk around in t-shirts and tights but for a night out I take the time do my hair, makeup and pick out an outfit that makes me feel great.
Dressing up is fun, being complimented inside the bar/club is also fun. However, walking to and from the destination can be a bit frightening. Encountering unfriendly people inside your destination is also frightening.
I know that every woman has encountered some mishaps during a night out. Luckily, my friends and I have an unspoken understanding of how to handle certain situations.
There are some things you do DO for yourself and/or friends and some things you DON’T.
DOhave a designated driver:
Whether going to a bar or club, there should be someone sober. I know at times UBER helps, but it is always best to have someone aware of the surroundings.
DON’Tlet your D.D. drink:
This is why you should take turns driving. Decide for the night who is in the mood to drink and who is not.
DOpick a spot you all want to go:
Together decide if you will enjoy the music theme for the night in the club or the vibe from the bar.
DOyour research on the location before you go:
Yelp always helps! Check what the neighborhood is like and what drinks are sold, whether there is a cover fee and/or guest list.
DON’Tpark too far away:
Arrive with a little extra time and park as close to your destination as possible. You do not want to walk a more than a block to your car at 3 in the morning.
DOtake cash:
Always have cash for cover fees, drinks and parking! Some parking structures (depending on location) are shady! It is always safe to take cash.
DOtake a jacket:
You can leave it in the car if you want, but to avoid getting sick take it!
DOwear comfortable shoes:
Some heels look great! However, by the end of the night you can’t stand them. Take flats in your purse, whatever you need but make sure you are comfortable. Especially at the end of the night when you are walking back to your car.
DOgo with your friend to the bathroom!
I know at times it is annoying to see a group of girls in line, but you cannot let your friend go alone! It does not matter if you do not need to go or you are dancing with a guy-- always go with your friend. She may go and not return. (Once, this guy waited for my friend to ask for her number, even after she told him no the first few times). It is creepy and you just never know.
DON’Tleave your drink unattended:
This one is obvious, but it happens sometimes. Always drink it all before you go to the dance floor or don’t touch it afterwards. Not everyone has good intentions. I should also include to not take drinks from anyone, unless you saw it being made and handed right to you. Don’t let your friend take those drinks either.
DOdance like nobody is watching:
Have fun on the dance floor and let go of all the stress and feel the music! It is after all a great workout. --D
DOsave your friend from a creep trying to dance with her:
If a guy is being weird and creepy and is trying to rub upon your friend, let her know. Have a signal or head nod.
DOfeel good about yourself:
At the end of the day, you go out to have a good time for yourself. You are beautiful inside and out. Do not let the amount of guys who hit on you (whether it be 0 or 10) define your beauty. Do not let the amount of rejection you get define you either.