What To Buy (And What Not To Buy) For College
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What To Buy (And What Not To Buy) For College

If you didn't need it before, you probably don't need it now.

What To Buy (And What Not To Buy) For College

For most recent high school graduates, college is right around the corner. Now, if you’re anything like I was, you are probably making googly eyes at all the stuff listed in Target’s back to college section. Here’s the thing, your dorm room is probably going to be tiny. The other thing is, you will find that college makes you super broke. Here’s the other thing, to function well, you are going to need some basic practical necessities, and NOT that pink fuzzy faux fur collapsible storage ottoman.

Here’s a list of what I think is actually essential, but is also fun, and super practical.

1. Comfortable sheets and Comforters.

My mom knew best on this one. We didn’t order out of that cheapo catalogue you get sent. You can find super affordable, and NICE, sheets and comforters or quilts at places like Home Goods, TJ Maxx, or Ross. I also suggest bringing something with you from home, like that big fleece blanket you’ve always had, or your favorite pillow. When midterms come around, you’re going to want that! The other thing to think about, after college you’ll need an apartment, why not pick something that’s durable, cute, and practical so that you don’t have to worry about that big hot pink blanket with Justin Bieber’s face on it?

2. A big mug.

As I said before, DORM ROOMS ARE TINY. Especially when your room mate moves their stuff in to. Unless you need to for health reasons, you probably aren’t going to be cooking all that often, so you don’t need to have a full kitchen set in your dorm. Big mugs are nice because you can eat soup out of them and drink coffee or tea!

3. Power Strips

SO NECESSARY. I think I have at least two. With your laptop, phone, lights, and whatever else needs power, a power strip will save you and your roommate from some serious power struggles.

4. Weather appropriate clothes.

OK. This one sounds stupid simple, but this is actually a real issue. For instance, I go to school in Ohio, and the winters there are BRUTAL. My school is also really geographically diverse, so the kids from California or down South really have a tough time when all they have with them is their hoodie. It takes a quick google search to see if you need snow boots or a sturdy pair of sandals.


I made the mistake of not printing out any pictures of my family or friends for freshman year. My roommate was smart and had enough to cover her wall. You will want pictures, having them on your computer is not enough.

6. Clothes

I went to a Catholic high school and wore a uniform. I have always loved clothes, but not having a uniform anymore can really catch people off guard. It’s probably a good idea to head to the clearance racks at Old Navy and stock up. This applies to guys too. If you’re a guy, and don’t care about clothes at all, have your sister go pick out some shoes and shirts for you. Most people aren’t the same size they were in high school, aaanndd we all know about that dreaded Freshman-Fifteen. Also, clothes don’t hold up super well, so chances are, something you wore in eighth grade isn’t really presentable anymore. Not to sound materialistic, but clothes can be important. You are going to start having job interviews, and it’s really important to have an interview outfit or two on hand. College can be a great time for making random connections. Not that you have to show up in Prada everyday, but a nice pair of jeans and a good blouse makes a way better impression than worn out sweatpants. Also, some professors, and it might be just one out of six, will want you to dress nicely for their class. Aaaannnddd final point, some people, like myself, do way better when they are dressed well. Dress for success! I mean, not everyone is like that. But for me, I do way better on tests if I’m in heels or something than I do in sweatpants.

You’re an adult, you’ll know what else you need. Most likely if it looks cheap, it is cheap, and you don’t need it. Now I am going to shift to THINGS TO AVOID

7. Extra Electronics

You don’t need to waste tons of money on a microwave or a TV. Definitely communicate with your roommate to find out who’s bringing a mini fridge and all that. I will say having a way to make hot beverages, whether that be a Keurig, a coffee maker, or an electric kettle, is really nice. My dorm has a microwave on each floor, so I’ve never needed one in my room.

8. Tapestries and Wall Hangings.

I don’t know how it is at your school, but at mine, they do not allow big tapestries to be hung on walls. They see them as a fire hazard. Check out what your school allows before you buy one.

9. Ramen

This stuff is so bad for you, and so addictive. Don’t try it, not even once! OK, it’s not going to kill you, but there are wayyyy better things you could be eating. It’s tough because it’s so cheap… but that’s the point, you should be putting something better in your body.

10. Perfumes and Body Sprays

OK, out of respect for your new roommate, you should ask if they are allergic to any of these. Not saying you shouldn’t wear them, but maybe spray it on in the bathroom, or in smaller quantities. Some people really can’t handle these and it leads to an instant headache… not fun!

11. A couch or futon.

I doubt you have room for this. You probably don’t need it, and the cheapest couch or futon out there is $100 or more. That’s money you could be saving or spending when you go out with friends.

A big part of college is figuring out how you function, and what you need to do well. You might disagree with me on some of the points here, but I thought I'd throw my two cents out there!

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