Ladies and gentlemen, if you’re one of the many people who waited to start getting fit around New Years and you haven not given up yet congratulate yourself! You’ve decided to drop the dessert and beers to make an investment in yourself and your future. You’re two weeks in and you may have noticed some different etiquette in the gym that you wouldn’t see outside of it. Worry not I’m here to bring you some Do’s and Don’t that you may not know about when in the weight room.
Do: Ask for help when you think it would benefit you. It could be a little awkward asking someone to spot you especially if you don’t know the person and they seem occupied with their headphones in. Asking for a spot not only help keeps you safe but you also can reach your maximum potential without worrying about failing and hurting yourself. You could also possibly make a couple new friends while you’re there!
Don’t: Re-wear used gym clothes. This may be obvious but you’d be surprised as to how many people don’t follow this rule. Always wear fresh clothes to the gym. I understand if you have a locker and forget to switch your gym clothes out because of a busy schedule or if washing every day is too much. You may take a whiff of clothes and think, “Oh that’s fine!” but you’re used to your own scent, therefore other people will definitely be able to smell it.
Do: Take your protein shake and carbs within 20 minutes after your workout. This doesn’t mean 45 to an hour later. After a workout, your muscles develop micro tears and will rebuild itself bigger and stronger. You want to take your protein as soon as your workout ends so your muscles will have that rapid digesting protein to grow bigger.
Don’t: Forget your carbs. This is especially important to those who workout for a longer period of time because you end up burning away your glycogen levels. You need those high-glycemic (fast digesting) carbs to recover those glycogen levels in order to recover sooner and start the process of rebuilding muscles faster.
Do: Rack your weights and wipe down your station after you use it. Please don’t be that person that leaves a mess everywhere they go so the other gym patrons have to go around picking up their mess. It's just common courtesy to pick up after yourself so others can use the equipment too or it’ll just sit there. Even if you don’t think you sweat or just sat on the bench for a little bit, make sure you wipe it down for others.
Don’t: Spend so much time on the treadmill. Can’t catch a breath while running? Planning on shredding weight and getting lean before spring break? Don’t waste 30 minutes to an hour on the treadmill everyday. If you haven’t heard of it yet go online and search HIIT. This stands for high-intensity interval training and its perfect for blasting love handles and dad bods. Some people think it’s easier then running others think it’s harder but it for sure takes a lot less time then running. HIIT is by no means a magic weight loss pill but with work and patience it will burn just as much calories as running in less then half the time.
In the end, it’s all about your diet, mindset, and determination that will get you further. A buddy of mine told me this great motivational quote, “Your body will never change on its own, so when you’re struggling on that last rep you got to force that change to happen.” I hope these tips help you on your journey to chiseling your body into that of a Greek god.