Since moving to college I have been living in the residence halls and I have made numerous memories that I will never forget. Here is a list of all the ups and downs that come with living in the dorms.
The advantages...
1. Community bathrooms
They really aren't that bad. You don't have to buy your own toilet paper and someone cleans the bathroom for you everyday. How convenient.
2. Quiet floors
You can do your homework in peace if you live on a quiet floor and even if you don't live on a quiet floor, you get a lounge or kitchen area where you can seclude yourself.
3. You're close to everything.
The dining hall, the library. It's all here on campus, which is really convenient.
4. The residential advisers
They give their input and ensure that the rules are followed so everyone can get along and live comfortably.
5. Free laundry
Yes! Finally! No more hoarding quarters or begging mom to do the massive pile you brought home that weekend.
6. Meeting new people
Through programs provided by the RA's and awkward bathroom encounters, you start to meet people in the same hall as you.
And now to the disadvantages...
7. Community bath
You sometimes don't get to jump right into the shower, so, plan accordingly. Also, some people have really bad bathroom etiquette.
8. The not-so-quiet floors
There is always going to be something going on in the rooms around you. I recall one specific night that I was convinced the neighbor on my right was a star ukulele player in a mariachi band, the neighbor to my left was a pro-wrestler, and the room above me invested in some serious marble-playing lessons.
9. You're close to everything.
Sometimes being close to everything makes you less social. You don't always ask people to go eat with you because why not get a to-go box and watch some Netflix? Human interaction is important, people! Chances are you will not really be cast in the next episode of "Glee" anyway.
10. The heavy doors
People come and go all through the night which means doors are constantly being opened and closed. Which usually results in several floor meetings and eventually the elimination of the problem.
11. Awkward encounters
So you ran into another person when you got out of the shower and slipped to fall on your towel. The other person doesn't know if they should help you or continue to be disgusted by the fact that they are now sopped by the water that flung from your caddy when you fell.
12. Elevators
They are so slow. For an invention that was created so long ago you would think they could operate a little faster.
13. Fire drills
They have to do fire drills when most residents are present which is completely understandable. Unfortunately, this often means they occur in the middle of the night when you are finally in bed.
Living in the dorms has taught me a lot about how to live with others and also how to be a good roommate. Even though there are disadvantages, they make good memories that I will never forget and laugh about even now.