Living on campus can be an amazing adventure. While dorm life has its complications, you wouldn't trade it for the world. College life is awesome; even if that means living in a tiny new space. The semester is now in swing but here is what you've found.
1. You Put Off Showering
You seriously start to question how important a shower actually is. Community showers are way too much of a hassle. Between the bathrooms completely flooding and nowhere to shave your legs it just is not that fun.
2. You Want To Leave Campus All Of The Time
When you live, sleep, eat and breathe at your SCHOOL, you tend to want to leave. I will jump to leave campus anytime I can because I'm always in a mile radius in this town.
3. Elevators Get Stuck
It's inevitable that the elevators are going to get stuck. Between the hundreds of people that may live in one building someone is bound to overload it. They will mess up and you will learn to take the stairs.
4. If You're In Bed, There's No Getting Up
If you live in a dorm, you make sure you go to the bathroom before you actually get in bed. Once you've gotten in bed it's almost impossible to get the energy to walk down the hallway.
5. You Run Out Of Space
There is no room for anything! If you are not the most organized person in the world your room looks like complete trash. There's no way to space out the clutter and there's no room for new items. Forget buying anything at Target because you have no home for it.
6. Your Internet Connection Is Nonexistent
What is internet? There are always problems with the wifi connections in dorm rooms. So many people try to use it at one time that even when you have it it isn't great. You might as well take all of your homework to the library because there's no need in trying the internet in your room.
7. There's No Room For Friends
I think it's funny when someone talks about hanging out in my room. There's a bed and one chair. You can have a seat on this nice tile floor if you would like! Dorm rooms are tiny and are not made for socializing.
8. Laundry Is Impossible
Sharing washers and dryers with a whole floor is a test of patience. People forget their laundry all of the time making it impossible for you to start your load. But after all, you can't really get mad because you, too, have fallen asleep while doing laundry.
9. Everyone In Your Hallway Has Seen You Ugly
God bless the girls I see in the morning on my way to brush my teeth. After just sleeping in a terribly messy bun I probably look like a disgrace. We all have to learn that there is more to a neighbor than what you see in the morning.
10. There's No Room For Food
WHERE IS ALL OF MY FOOD SUPPOSED TO GO? There's no room for my Lunchables and Pizza Rolls. Mini fridges were not made for hungry college kids. Send help.