Back to school is my favorite time of year. Target, Office Max, Walmart are showing off their back to college displays. YouTube is showing me what everyone else is getting. Being able to become a mini interior designer for the time being makes us girls happy. Here are all of the thoughts we've all had while dorm shopping...
1. Why does this list keep growing?
Every time I go shopping more stuff gets added onto my list. I always think "I've never had that before. Maybe I'd use this in college!" and then I end up with a towel wrap for my hair or some resistance bands I will never use.
2. Do I really need this? Do I need that?
Only the strongest can bring themselves back to reality while in Target. Us girls get so excited over this stuff and start overdoing it. Then you have to go through your cart and sort out what you're actually going to buy. Too much stuff in my cart not enough space in my dorm.
3. Does this match my theme?
"Is this the vibe I am going for? Do they have this lamp in white? Ugh I can't get that… it's orange. Could I spray paint it?"
4. My mom is going to kill me for spending this much.
Sorry mom, I know it seems like a lot but I need all of this to be independent and not come home every weekend. Plus, I've been saving up for this moment since sophomore year of high school. I think it's okay to #treatyoself in this situation. Your bedding should be where you are spending the most money. That is your spot, the place you will spend the most time at... Invest in good bedding.
5. I don’t want to be like all of the other girls...
"I like these fairy lights but, I am pretty sure every girl is going to have these… Oh well... they're cute. SOLD"
6. I forgot my list... again.
The only person I can blame is myself for this one. Now I have to try to remember what I need off the top of my head and probably make multiple trips because I forgot... ugh. Good thing I like shopping.
7. I wonder what my roommate is bringing...
Check with your roommate on who is buying what so you don't have two shower curtains or two mini fridges.
8. I need all of the storage I can get.
I have never gotten excited over storage bins until now. Everything has a place and The Container Store is my new BFF.
9. I wish I had more space for that.
Do I have space for an ironing board? Probably not but, more importantly... Do I have space for all of my snacks?
10. Is this something I would use next year too?
"Can this be reused in case I change the look of my room next year?" White and black goes with everything so keep it basic when you're picking out stuff for the first time. You don't want to have to repurchase something every year because it's hard to look at in your room.
11. Let me check the reviews real quick...
Checking the reviews can save you a lot of time and money. Learn from other people's mistakes and think twice about the item.
12. I could get that on amazon for way less.
My Amazon list is getting bigger and bigger by the second. Might as well get a good deal while I'm at it.
13. I could just get some of this from my house.
"Tissues? Paper towel? I'll just ask my mom if I can take some out of the bulk she buys from Sam's Club."
Dorm shopping is the first step of us living on our own. We get to make all of these decisions about a dorm we've never stepped foot in. Parents, friends, family please bear with us as we want everything to be perfect for our new space. A lot of thoughts are going through our minds.