As the school year winds to a close, many college students are getting ready to pack up their dorms and move back home for the summer. My first year of college, I lived at home, but I still wanted to experience the dorm life that so many college students have, while still being close to home. I was placed on campus into a small dorm building with my best friend as my roommate, but I still was terrified of being out on my own for the first time. I also worried once I was on campus that I would not be able to find other people besides my roommate that I could be friends with behind all the closed doors. However, one day, a few doors opened and the girls who came out of those rooms changed my experience for the better and in the 8 months that we have known each other, have made me a more confident about true friendship.
They took me out of my comfort zone.
I have never been one to take chances and do things that scare me, but living on campus taught me to be spontaneous. This year one of my friends took me out on a double date, with a guy I had never met. I had never been on a date to begin with, let alone a blind date. I agreed to do it because I trusted my friend and I thought it could be an opportunity to meet someone special. Although there was never a second date, my friend gave me a chance to do something I would have never done before. The confidence I had that night is something I can take with me for the rest of my life, and I can thank my college friend for that.
They honestly cared about me
There was a month or so when I was feeling very lost and I didn’t know what I could do to make myself feel better. One day my friend told me to come meet them in their room for dinner. I didn’t think anything of it until they handed me a big box. When I opened it, I immediately started to cry. My friends went out and made me a “box of sunshine” filled with candy, little trinkets and other small gifts to cheer me up. I told them nobody outside of my family had never done something like this for me and I immediately knew that these were girls I wanted in my life for a long time.
They made me feel welcome in their lives
In the 8 months that we lived on the same floor, we became a family. We shared weekly meals together, met their siblings, and sat around telling funny stories about our families back home. We once spent a night at my one friend's house, sliding down the railing of her staircase and playing with her dog. We have already made plans to watch the Bachelorette at each other's houses and are already planning the right day for our family meal for the next year. Looking back, I have realized that even when I missed my real family, I still had a family waiting for me at school.
They kept me company when I was sad
There were times when I missed my family or felt lonely and I guess my friends could tell. They would offer to go eat with me or watch TV in my room with me (I even got them hooked on The Bachelor). They had their own lives and I’m sure had homework they were procrastinating, but they took time out of their day to spend with me. There were times when I did the same for them, which is the kind of give and take a friendship should have.
They asked for my advice
One of my friends was an education major like me, and she would ask for my advice from time to time about classes, assignments, professors, etc. Knowing that she wanted my advice made me feel confident that I was somebody she trusted and I had never felt that way before with a friend. My other friends would also come to me wanting advice about boyfriends, clothes, or just life in general. This feeling is something every girl deserves to have from her friends and I hope you as the reader has felt this at some point from your friends.
They kept me motivated
All my friends have motivated me at some point during the school year, but my roommate motivated when I have needed it most. She has been my friend since we were in 5th grade and has been with me through middle school, high school and now college. She knows that sometimes all I need is a simple “You got this” to get me through a busy week of school and work. During this school year, we have always tried to build each other up and be gym buddies, study partners or just a person to vent to. College is tough sometimes and there isn’t a better way to put it. Sometimes the only thing that helps is having someone else believe in you and celebrate you when they see you succeed.
To these girls, your friendship is something I treasure and I will miss you all next year when I am back home. Despite this, I know you are just a text message away and our weekly meals will still stay intact. Your support throughout the year gave me a reason to stay on campus at my lowest points. It’s strange to think that a year ago, I had no idea who you were, yet you all have made such an impact on my life. You made me laugh so hard my stomach hurt and made me cry tears of gratitude for treating me like true friends should. You have made me a person I didn’t think was possible a year ago and the lessons you taught me about myself is the thing I craved when I wanted to move on campus. Thank you again for all your support and I wish you the best of luck in your next year on campus. Remember that I will alway be there for you like you were there for me.