It's the end of August, which means it's almost move-in day for most colleges. My freshman year, I remember not wanting to spend a lot of time decorating my room, but I also wanted it to look nice. Here are five ways I managed to make my room look amazing in a quick and easy way!
1. Pillows
One thing that really made my dorm room feel put together was simply some throw pillows for my bed. It made my room feel way more organized, and it gave me a routine of setting them up every morning. I even got a few compliments on them!
2. Fairy lights
My roommates and suitemates hung up fairy lights around our room and common room, and it was one of my favorite decorations in the room. They're really pretty, and you can buy them in all different colors to match the theme of your room.
3. Wall tapestry
A lot of people hang up wall tapestries to decorate their rooms, and they're a great way to quickly make your room look really nice. Just be careful not to violate any fire codes!
4. Pictures of your friends and family
Putting up pictures of family and friends from high school is another great way to spruce up your dorm room, especially if it's your first year! If you ever get homesick, you'll have photos from home right next to you all the time. Also, you can add new pictures as you make new memories at college.
5. White board
White boards are also fun to have, because you and your roommates can write or draw whatever you want on them. You can also put one on your desk and use it to write reminders and test dates, so you won't forget!
Now, get decorating and have an amazing year!