According to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, we are metaphorically only two and half minutes away from the world as we know it to collapse into itself as fires rage and sixteen-foot-tall solidified ash monsters rise out of the crumbs.
The Doomsday Clock, invented by the previous mentioned group of scientists, is an international symbol that fluctuates depending on how disastrous things have been going. It hasn't been this disastrous since The Cold War, when the U.S. and the Soviet Union played race with their hydrogen bomb tests.
The scientists chose to move the hand because of... can you guess? As a media journalist, I've been feeling more and more like everyone except Harry in "Harry Potter". Our imminent demise can be viscerally felt each time I fear my own safety as I'm about to criticize him. But alas, Donald Trump is the reason for the spike in our world's less than optimistic outcome.
It has also been increasingly difficult to keep up with every heartbreaking executive order Donald has signed since his first day in office, a measly five days ago. The pace at which Donald is signing these orders is in itself worrisome, having signed more executive orders than Obama did in his first month of presidency, yet the content is the cause for the frightening shift of the clock.
Here are the troublesome realities outlined amongst other powerful and disheartening rhetoric that has our world up in arms.
- Greenlit the construction of a border wall dividing the U.S. and Mexico which he says will be ready to begin within "months"
- Reinstated Mexico City Policy, which was written to cease federal money from helping foreign nonprofits which promote or perform abortion services
- Froze federal hiring/pay other than for those in the military or in public safety or public health jobs
- Ordered the preparation for the eventual repeal of the Affordable Care Act
- Signed to move forward with the Dakota Access and Keystone XL oil pipelines, regurgitating the victory that protestors and indigenous people had shortly achieved.
- Plans to slash EPA workforce and gain control over agency while prohibiting scientists to share information with the public
- Plans to oversee executive orders concerning immigration within the next week. Donald has spewed bigoted and hateful rhetoric concerning the possible ban of immigrants from Muslim based countries in recent talks
We cannot be fearful. Instead, we will continue to use our media and follow the efforts set by our nation's National Park twitter accounts. We will March for Science because we believe actual facts and empirical data, not the fallacy that Ms. Conway has described to us as "alternative." We will rise, instead of the ash monsters, and we will smack the Doomsday Clock in the face harder than that Nazi got it.