Prayer is power... the truest statement ever! Nowadays, when we say it, they are empty words. Personally, I believe this is because we are so far from bible times when Jesus was walking on Earth. Literally people would just watch as he would heal lepers, deaf people, blind people! At that time it was easy to pray for something and believe it would happen. Sadly, as time passes, people pray and say they believe it will be answered, but still have doubts. I am totally guilty of this! What compelled me to write on this subject is a prayer journal I saw. It was literally two columns - one with the prayer and the other titled "Answered On." Man! Now that is a bold move!
After seeing this, I quickly checked myself. Before seeing that I would have never thought to have that as a column in my journal. Was that even allowed? Is that totally rude to just expect God to answer my needs? I remembered talking about something similar in Church over the summer (Shout-out to Trae and Remnant). We talked about "Extraordinary Faith." About a big ole' "what if?" What if we truly said to God, "Lord you are mighty and you are a miracle worker... Lord come down and ____." After this, what if we actually step out in faith and believe God is going to answer our prayers! Now that doesn't mean you can pray for a new car and believe he will provide and receive that. God provides for our needs not wants!
To bring my personal story into this, I have always had a crippling anxiety. I can recall my mom calling me a worry wart when I was young. It gets so bad. Heart races all day, always in my head, the whole nine yards. It was effecting my grades in college and keeping me from branching out. So, I claimed God's promises and spoke life over the anxiety! However, I recently stepped out in faith and stopped taking medicine, and just began to pray. The youth pastor at my home church anointed me with oil two weeks ago and ever since I have honestly not been so anxious! Of course, I still have days when I feel that it seems to defeat me, but I have a faith and hope that someday soon I will be able to put a date that prayer was answered on! Jesus destroys anxiety because there is no fear in pure love!
I challenge every single person who lays eyes on this page to pray, cry out to God, and ask him to help you with any and every need. I also suggest a prayer journal, or even just making bullets in your phone to increase prayer. It helps me not to neglect prayer and also aids in staying focused on my needs and these needs of others as I pray!
Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
For more proof on the power of God checkout these scriptures:
Matthew 9:20-22 Matthew 9:35Mark 2:9-12Luke 17:12-1John 9:6-7