In a world where our lives are ruled primarily by laptop computers, iPads, iPhones, iPods, flat-screen TVs and cars that can park themselves; how do we not only obtain but also maintain a healthy social order? We’re deemed, “The generation full of smart phones and dumb people.” That is how our elders perceive us, anyway.
The generations before us (you know, like The Baby Boomers and such) are seeing second-hand what the developments in technology are doing to our generation and the generation below us. Their argument is that we have all of this information available at our fingertips, and we simply are too lazy to want to learn any of it. That, because it is so readily available, it’s like we don’t respect the idea of knowledge or intelligence; we have machines to do that work for us. We don’t need to learn; therefore we do not want to.
I call bulls---.
Don’t get me wrong, I can fully understand the outside point of view and can see where their argument (in some cases) is actually proven to be a truthful one. The proof is on almost every television screen across America. Our so-called “reality” TV shows and their fundamentals based around partying and arguing. So many people spend their free time watching shows of this genre.
Not only that, but everywhere you turn there is at least one person around that is staring directly at a cellphone screen. Whether it is at home, at work, over a lunch date or evening in a meeting! We are giving our elders so much proof for their argument.
I have first hand experiences of encountering entire sit-down dinners where one person would not stop picking up his/her phone to check for new notifications of some sort. I’ve encountered full-blown text messaging arguments because people have grown so accustomed to digitalized communication that they no longer feel comfortable talking about anything remotely controversial, in person.
Notice though, how I have used the word “some” instead of “most” people. Notice how the generations older than us only pay attention to a small percentage our generation. Our generation cannot be deemed with being filled with only smart technology and dumb kids. We are the innovative generation; the generation that has grown up with the launching of the iPods, iPhones and iPads. We are the generation that has come to make sense of it all, and how we can use these progressions in technology in much more than just leisure hours.
We are the generation that is trying to adapt to the ever-changing world of technology but to also use technology in a constructive and informative way. Instead of only using our free time for YouTube videos and Pinterest; let’s make it known that we are actually still reading and learning things too. Yeah, we may be typing into our laptops during class and staring at screens most of our waking hours, but we (for the most part) are a generation filled with curiosity and a wanting to learn. Unlike what has been previously assumed from elder generations. Let’s prove with our actions that one day, all of this time spent staring into a screen was a time well spent. Let’s prove that we aren’t the lazy generation, but we are in fact a curious one and an innovative one at that.