So let’s say you are very organized. You have 2 different planners like myself, just to make sure you are overly organized. Fortunately, because you have those planners, you know finals week is coming up. You check your planner and you see lots of colors and not a lot of blank space. Your schedule is exactly what you were expecting--trouble.
You are not quite at finals week, but you have about 7 papers due before the week of finals plus another 2 on top of that during finals, 2 more midterms, 2 group projects and 3 final exams. Oh, but your professors also wants presentations for 2 of your papers and 2 of your group projects that you haven't exactly started. And the best part, you haven’t even started studying, writing papers, or planning essentially anything until right about now.
The first thing you need to do is look at your list. You might freak out a bit because there are a lot of words, symbols, highlighter markets and lots of underlined words. But you have survived finals week hundreds of times before (or more like 8-12 times depending on how many high school and college semesters you have had).
Then you figure writing your essays before studying for exams would probably be best to leave the last week of school strictly for studying, cramming and learning things that your teacher thought they taught but actually didn’t. So in reality, you are only slightly screwed.
So then, you start writing one of your essays on a really interesting topic. And then you come to this moment: the internet search has begun.
And then instead of doing your research for that really important paper (whether it is your senior thesis or a 15 page research paper) you start looking up memes of Ryan Gosling telling you good luck on finals because he believes in you. But, that's when your roommate comes in and does one of two things. They either continue looking with you, or they shut you down and bring you back to reality of finals coming.
Or if this is more of your reality, maybe it would be a good idea to log out of your account for the next time being. Just remember, it is better for you this way. And Netflix will always be there for you after finals week. Don't worry. It is only one week until endless summer nights of netflix and chill.
But don't be like this kid who clearly is doing finals wrong. You should instead find out if there are any extra credit opportunities on top of all of your course work in case your final doesn't go as planned. And if you do end up having extra time to work on that extra credit, you will be happy you asked.
Maybe before you start pulling some all-nighters, debate whether your studying takes precedence over your health or not. Keep in mind, C's get degrees, but it is nice to impress your boss when sharing your GPA after you graduate college, whenever that may be. So go out there, crush some papers, exams and group projects. For all you know, your professors might end up being very generous and lenient on grading.