"You're so pretty now, just imagine how you'd look with makeup!"
Ummm….thanks, but no thanks.
Listen, I know that's sort of supposed to be a compliment, but that doesn't change the fact that you're telling me I'd look better if I had a bunch of powder and goo smudged all over my face.
I understand that some people enjoy makeup. I know it's not always about covering up, but is often used as an art or form of self expression, and I totally support that.
You do you, because that is the way to make yourself happy, just please don't tell me how much I need to wear makeup, because newsflash, I don't. What I do need to do is whatever the hell makes me feel confident.
I'm constantly told that makeup is not just about covering up flaws, but about 'emphasizing your strong points.' Well, that's just great, you can continue to emphasize your strong points and leave mine alone.
Let me just say, I'm not 'anti-makeup,' I just don't see a need for it on an everyday basis. While others live their lives wearing makeup every single day, so much to a point that people don't even recognize them without it, or ask if they're feeling okay when they skip a day of mascara, I go everyday without it, so much to a point that it really emphasizes my strong points when I do decide to wear it on special occasions like, I don't know, prom, or a wedding, or any fancy event.
So, personally as someone who does not heavily rely on makeup, I am proud of myself. I'm proud that in a world that tells me that since I'm a girl, I should be wearing makeup, and dresses, and always fixing my hair, I am confident enough in myself to tell the world to shut the hell up and mind its own business. I am proud that I don't feel the need to conform to society's standards for girls and women everywhere. I am proud to show my flaws and strong points as they are, not with downplay or emphasis, but just as they are.
So, to those who wear makeup because they personally like it, not because they feel they must, kudos to you, because on the other end of the spectrum, is people telling everyone they shouldn't wear makeup ever because then "they are just reinforcing society's stereotypes."
This is the exact opposite of what I'm trying to say here!
What I want everyone to know, is that you are all perfect as you are, so if you hate makeup, great. If you enjoy makeup, fabulous. If you are in the middle and wear it once in a while, fantastic.
My point is, don't do anything just because of stereotypes and those around you. Everything you do should be done because of how you feel, and if you are someone whose makeup-wearing-habits are based on what you're told is right or wrong, stand up for yourself.
Be you because there is no one on this earth who is better at doing that than you are.
Wear what you want. Eat what you like. Do what makes you happy and confident, and give others the same right to do whatever they want, as well.