This new journey in my life, has taught me a lot of valuable information and skills. Coming to college, I knew that it would be more studying than usual, but I did not know that I had to studying material at least 3 times a day, to actually understand it and know it for a life time. Throughout my 5 weeks here, I have learnt a whole new way of studying. In high school, I used flashcards, but now I am using Quizlet, because I like the options they give me and I process the information better.
College is stressful, but you have to learn everyday, how to manage your time and also how to have fun. One aspect of managing my time, is taking full advantage of my planner. Having a planner will change your life, because you will need to know all these times and dates, and this book is here to hold all that information for you. If you are extra like me, you can use planner stickers and color pens to make your planner more appealing than it already is.
STOP PROCRASTINATING!! Managing your time, is all about procrastination. When you know about an assignment 2 weeks ahead of time, go ahead and work on it. Even if you have to break up the sections or the work, do what you have to do, to make your week stress free. Procrastination will get you no where, any time soon. It will hold you back, with a lot of assignments you have to cramp in, in less than 2 days. You would be putting more stress on yourself than you need to. I know some of that material is boring, and that is why some people wait, but use color. Color will brighten up your notes and your day.
When taking notes, it is a good idea, to not write in one color. This will make you tired and not want to study. Using more than one color/highlighters will help you organize your notes and color coordinating will definitely help you grasp the information. Including pictures within your notes, is also helpful, to visually understand what you are reading. If you understand this, it is still a good idea to watch videos, to better apprehend the information.
This is just the beginning, but you and I, got this!! Don't let stress to get to you. Nip stress in the butt, before it even comes near you. Have a successful year and be great!