With the semester being over and summer finally arriving, many of us are beyond excited about the next few months without papers and studying. Unless you’re a poor soul who will be stuck within the walls of a building taking summer classes. But for those of us who are free for the summer, we should take advantage of that freedom and be as productive as possible during this time. It is easy to sloth around and watch all ten seasons of "Friends" in a week while eating your weight in chips and salsa, but maybe there’s a better way to spend your time off. I’m not saying that you should be working or putting forth a lot of physical effort, but sitting on your couch 24/7 certainly isn’t going to benefit you in the long run.
Don’t waste this time by avoiding all responsibility, but rather determine how you can make the most out of the extra time on your hands. Rest isn’t just about stopping, it is about refilling. I get it — many of us are drained in every way possible from the school year, but that’s exactly why we need to use this time to refocus and prepare for whatever may be ahead. Here are three simple things I want to challenge you with this summer to help you be more productive:
1. Read three books.
You have about two and a half months off. Even if you don’t like to read, this doesn’t have to be horribly torturing. Make it an event! Get a blanket, snacks, and some kind of fruity tea and set up your hammock outside. The environment can change your perspective on something you would rather try to avoid. I know you’re also probably tired of reading due to loads of research and parallel readings, but keeping up that habit will increase your brainpower and most likely help you learn more about yourself.
2. Develop a new skill.
This can be fun too, whether it be knitting, surfing, painting, or even learning a new language! Pick something and dedicate time to it. You never know when it may come in handy! Plus, it’s relaxing.
3. Plan a trip to somewhere new.
Do this a few weeks in advance! It can even be international if you have a passport already. Spend some time researching the place you are going, like good restaurants, hotels, and activities, Make an itinerary too. Include everything from the departure/arrival times of all the transportation, the restaurants you want to eat at, and the sights you want to see. Having a schedule will make your trip a lot easier.
See? That’s not too painful! I bet it even sounds exciting to you. At least, for a goal-setter like myself it does! I bet that if you work towards accomplishing these tasks, you’ll feel like you had the best summer of your life! Why? Because you got stuff done and you had fun along the way!
Do you already have some goals for your summer? Tell me about them in the comment section below!