Christianity has become a trend amongst many. It’s all too easy to fall into this and agree with all of the other Christians who love Jesus too just because it’s easy and convenient. People constantly answer, “yes” to the question of Christianity even though that “yes” is often times vacant and, frankly, meaningless.
For many, Christianity merely serves its purpose in only selective areas. Christianity often serves as a cushion to break the fall of the cold world while in distress. Christianity gives a sense of belonging. The title in itself serves its purpose in showing others that we are indeed “good people.”
Why would we claim to be a part of something so much bigger than ourselves without fully committing or fully knowing what exactly this “Christian” thing is or only half-way giving our Father our hearts?
I do not want to love God because it’s convenient. I do not want to quietly whisper my faith because it helps me to fit into the “bible belt” or a certain group of friends or to impress certain people. I do not want to use God as some sort of tissue to wipe my tears only to later be thrown away. I do not want to just have a bible verse on the wall in my room or in my Instagram bio or as the background on my phone to make me seem like more of a "Christian." These things should not make up my Christianity nor do they define my love for my King.
So, I vow to no longer take this lightly. I do not want to just jump on the bandwagon of Christianity merely because it’s the trend or just because it makes me seem like a better person or because it gives me something to fall back on during a rough time. I want to fully invest my heart, mind, and soul in My Father. For He has fully invested in us from day one.
Are you broken? Are you lost? Are you afraid?
Good. That’s exactly who Jesus seeks. He is a giant eraser covering pages and pages of mistakes. He has a passion for our hearts even though we are not nearly deserving. He is on fire for us. He is literally jealous for our time, love, and affection.
His love is crazy—and I mean crazy like He was nailed to a cross, publicly humiliated and tortured, and made to suffer just because we lie, cheat, steal, and continuously sin.
I do not want to take this lightly anymore. He doesn’t take me lightly, so why should I just brush Him off like He’s just something I can just say I’m a part of for the sake of saying it?
I cannot, I will not, I do not want to be a lukewarm Christian any longer. I want to be on fire for Christ. I want have full-fledged confidence in Jesus. I want to show those just as messy and afraid as I am that their hearts are dying to be pursued by our ever-loving ever-giving Father. He wants to wrap his arms tightly around us and carry us so that we do not have the weight of the world on our shoulders any longer. Now it’s time for me to completely allow Him. It’s time for me to no longer have a small splash of Jesus in my life. I want eternal waterfalls and vast oceans of Jesus in my life daily. I want to serve my King to the absolute fullest extent I possibly can. I no longer want a brief acknowledgement of my Father over my morning coffee. I want a thirst and passion that persists all day, week, month, year, and into the gates of eternity.
I want to go outside in the middle of a thunderstorm and bask in the beauty of God's creation. I want to run through a field of flowers and scream at the top of my lungs. I want to approach a random stranger on the streets and remind him of how loved he is. I want to lay in bed on a cold day and not move a muscle for hours upon hours. Why? Because God created me, this earth, and everyone around me to love and enjoy this life while sharing His word and His love. I want to passionately, fearlessly live this life He has oh-so-sweetly provided me with. I do not want to be casual about this any longer.
I get the chills and the biggest smile on my face when I think about becoming best friends with my Father. He wants to be my friend, and that's the most flattering, coolest thing in the world. He should be who I turn to. He should be who I call first. He should be my number one. I’m tired and ashamed of putting Him second, third, and even fourth. I get all too caught up in things of this world to focus on what and whom matters more than anything.
Think about it, without God, I would cease to exist. Why would I ever casually push Him aside like the food I’m too full to eat at a restaurant? Or why would I deliberate on whether or not I want him for the moment or if he’ll benefit me like a narcissistic fool?
He created me. He chose me. He wants me.
It’s time for me to want Him too.
I do not want to be a lukewarm Christian anymore because the way my Father loves me stretches far beyond the text description on this page. His love is greater than even the word itself.
It’s time for me to embrace it.