I am a very friendly person. I love having conversations with people and learning more about them. I love to hear people’s stories and get to know them better. But, the one thing I do not want to talk about is your take on politics. It’s not that I don’t care about your opinions, as I’m sure they’re very valid points. However, I do not want to hear your political views because of the implications that come with it. You may want to have a friendly conversation about the upcoming election, but more often than not, it turns into a debate that I am not interested in.
I don’t want to talk to you about politics because it may cause hard feelings. I know that this doesn’t seem like a big deal to most, but to me, this is important. I do not want this election to cause friction in my relationships. Our votes both hold the same weight and the same importance, so why can’t we disagree? We should be able to have completely different political views, vote for completely different candidates and still be able to have great conversations. However, I know that these political conversations cause people to argue, and they may even cause you to think differently of me (or vice versa.) There is so much more to your personality, and to mine, than our political views.
I don’t want to talk to you about politics because I respect your opinions. When people talk to me about their political views, they expect me to come back with some snappy comebacks and my opposite view points. Although, I very rarely do. I respect your opinions too much. You may love one candidate and everything that they stand for, while I may despise them. That’s what’s great about America! We can have our own opinions about who we want leading our country. We get the opportunity to have a voice in this process by voting. I respect what you think and I would never want to put that down. Your vote and your voice count just as much as mine, so I respect what you believe. Don’t try to have a political debate with me, because I am not interested. I do not want to shove my ideas about politics in your face. Therefore, I do not want to have this conversation with you, because you may want to “convince me” to vote for your choice. I respect others opinions, but others do not always respect mine.
I don’t want to talk to you about politics because I don’t have to. Trust me, I can talk your ear off. I can come up with lots of other interesting things to talk about without any trouble. Talking about politics is not my idea of a casual conversation… it mostly just stresses me out! I do not have to talk to you about politics to fill the silence. So I respectfully ask that you don’t try to take the initiative and fill the silence with political small talk. Let’s talk about the weather, the newest movies in theaters, or what’s currently going on in your life! There is much more to our conversations than petty debates, I’m sure.
So, that’s why I don’t want to talk to you about politics. It’s nothing against you, really. I’m sure you have some great points and some wonderful beliefs. I’m sure you support your candidate full heartedly and want me to also. I’m also sure you can’t believe why I wouldn’t agree with you! But, I like you and respect you too much to talk to you about politics. So… how about that weather, huh?