I have always said I never want to have daughters; I guess growing up with three little sisters will do that to you.
1. I Have Enough Girls
I have my previously mentioned three little sisters, dozens of girl-friends, my mom, all my aunts, my two girl dogs… I have enough girls in my life already.
2. Boy Problems
If I had daughters, I would be worrying about boys trying to take advantage of my daughter or break her heart 24/7. That stress would take years off my life.
3. Friend Problems
School drama is inevitable, especially with high school girls. I love giving advice to people but after going through high school myself and experiencing all the drama, I do not think I have the patience to relive it all again.
4. Emotional
The crying. Crying over everything. I already have to deal with my own PMS’ing... Trying to manage another human’s crazy, emotional mood swings would be impossible.
5. Dramatic
Everything with girls is the end of the world. “My life is over because: he didn’t text me back, I can’t find anything to wear, she hasn’t talked to me in like a day.” That drama would overwhelm me.
6. Petty
When boys are mad at each other usually they just need an hour of space away from each other and then they’re good. When girls are mad at each other, they don’t speak to each other ever, they spread rumors and they get their other friends to choose sides. This is the same with sisters as it is with friends.
7. Safety
Girls have to be careful, especially when they go off to college. Being a mother of a daughter would give me so much anxiety, worrying if my daughter was watching her drink and not going home with the random boy at the bar.
8. Paying For Clothes
So. Much. Clothes. Girls never have enough clothes. I know that because I am a girl and I always find a reason for a new blouse or pair of shoes.
9. Paying For Makeup
Makeup is as and sometimes more expensive than clothes and it is a necessity for most girls. Paying for a new $45 tube of mascara and $50 bottle of foundation every few months? No thank you.
10. Paying For Feminine Products
Womanhood chose us, we didn’t choose womanhood. That being said, womanhood requires paying $20 dollars for a box of tampons, $15 for pads and $10 for ice-cream and chocolate bars once a month. Totally unreasonable.
11. Paying For Weddings
Wedding dresses are traditionally paid for by the mother. If I had daughters, I would want to pay for their dress, flowers, shoes and getting their hair and makeup done.
12. Being Lady-like
Having a daughter would mean making sure she understood discretion and protecting herself. Boys will always be boys, so it’s up to mothers to teach their daughters to respect themselves and their bodies and dress appropriately.
All this being said, if life graced me with daughters, I would love them with all my heart and never resent them for not being sons instead.