It's over. Those two simple words can break someone's heart. Those two words can ruin someone's faith in relationships. Those two words can ruin someone's trust in anyone else.
Why do people automatically rush to ending a relationship instead of figuring the issues out? Some people automatically push others away, scared that they might fall in love with them and hit the ground instead of being caught.
Relationships are not perfect and they sure aren't easy. They take time, effort and trust. Sometimes people make mistakes, sometimes couples fight. A fight or a mistake is not a reason to give up on someone. Don't give up on people because they are human. Sometimes the person who is asking for a second chance is the person that would give you a second chance without hesitation.
This is what society has done to us. Society has taught us that you don't have to fix what is broken. That there will always be another someone to fill that person's place. Today, people leave so easily and they don't come back.
You need to know that we are worth a second chance. We are worth the fight. Second chances should not be given out easily, but fixing a relationship is worth the second chance.
Ending a relationship, shouldn't be easy. A breakup should not happen over text. If you really want to break up with a person, one you care about, you should really do it in person. You should explain to them that you do not want to give them a second chance. You should see the hurt in their eyes, see what you're letting go without fixing.
You ended it with one text. A text someone will never forget. "Don't ever let anyone ever tell you you're not important because you are, you have so much to offer and never settle for anyone who doesn't treat you like gold. You are 100 percent worth it." I should be worth it to you. Anyone should be worth a second chance.
It's time for people to start fixing what is broken because there will never be a full replacement for the person you're giving up. No one will make you smile, laugh, or look at you the way the person you're giving up on does. No one will fit in your arms so perfectly like they do. No one will have the same voice they do. No one will be them, no matter how hard you try to replace them.
Be that person who goes against what everyone else does in today's society, fix what is broken, give someone a second chance. For all you know, that second chance could lead to being together for the rest of your life.
Instead of saying those two words that break someone's heart, say six words; I'll give you a second chance. Those six words are giving two people the chance to fix something worth saving.
Don't be an idiot. If you walk away from a second chance, you'll realize eventually how they were worth it and by then, they will have already found someone else who treats them like they are worth it.