After hearing too many girls obsessing over Nathan Scott and seeing countless tweets quoting Brooke Davis, I decided to give in to my stubborn desire of avoiding watching trendy Netflix shows and began watching One Tree Hill — and so should you. The sights of young James Lafferty and Chad Michael Murray wearing basketball jerseys instantly hooked me. Don't get me wrong, Peyton Sawyer’s badass attitude, Brooke Davis’s playful heart, and Hayley James’ nerdy innocence definitely feed into the addiction that worsens after I watch each episode. Still, I regret waiting until my freshman year of college, almost two years after One Tree Hill began trending, to start watching, and heres why:
1. My friends love telling me what happens and already ruined the ending
Excitement took over my friends after I told them I finally started watching One Tree Hill. Not surprisingly, I inspired them to start watching for the second, even third time. Although I love making my friends happy, they did not hesitate to tell me that Hayley and Nathan end up together, Keith dies, and Lucas leaves in the middle of the show. Surprise.
2. All I do is watch One Tree Hill
I’m not going to lie, I’ve always been a talented procrastinator; however since taking care of my new addiction became a priority, my procrastination skills are being forced to improve. If I had sacrificed my stubbornness in high school where my grades did not impact my future as much as they do now, procrastination would not be too much of an issue. I happily lay in my cozy dorm room and binge watch One Tree Hill every single day. Hayley James Scott would not be proud.
3. Brooke Davis does in fact preach relevant and important life lessons
Maybe it’s because I’m a college freshman missing high school life and feeling sad about my friends not being five minutes away, but the lessons One Tree Hill teaches about not taking anything for granted truly touch my heart. Not only would they have made great senior quotes, but the wise words of Brooke Davis and the other characters in the show perfectly put into words the feelings shared by all high school students.
To those of you long time fans, I apologize for not believing your tweets and making fun of you for being so obsessed. So, if you have not already watched this brilliant and addicting time consumer, grab your popcorn, sit down, and start watching. Nathan Scott is worth your time. I promise your only regret will be not starting sooner!!