Recently and throughout this election, I have heard a lot about voting third party. I want to explain why I don't think this is a good idea, especially in this election.
For starters, most people would agree that there is a lot at stake here. Regardless of which candidate you side with, this is true. The country has a lot of issues that need attending, and we could see ourselves in another war or recession with a few wrong moves.
Next, while it is true that if a change will ever be made, it needs a start, this is not the election to do it. There is almost no way a third party candidate will get anywhere close to the presidency in this election. People are too used to the two party system, and regardless of if this needs to be changed or not, this is not the time to try it. Again, THIS IS NOT THE ELECTION TO START THIS! Notice, I said start. I can almost guarantee that even if it started, it would not succeed, not now.
Lastly, the most popular third party candidate, Gary Johnson, recently was unable to name world leaders or know where important countries are in the world or on a map. This does not show the mark of a leader. He hasn't been given much of a chance to prove himself, but when he has, he has failed. He doesn't know enough about politics, and he won't win regardless. Period.
This is not the election to try and get a third party into office. Too much is at stake, this change will take time America doesn't have, and the candidates aren't knowledgeable enough to lead this country. Pick one of the two!