Don't Trust Black Lives Matter | The Odyssey Online
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Don't Trust Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

Don't Trust Black Lives Matter

In 2012, after the murder of 17 year old Trayvon Martin, there was a massive racial outcry in the US. We saw the resurrection of protest and marches for black civil rights and equality in the eyes of justice and the law. The front runner of this resurrected movement, is the infamous Black Lives Matter, since the mainstreaming of this new movement society has seen plenty of chaos break out. BLM seems essential to the black liberation movement, but it is actually a wolf in sheep's clothing. BLM has a hidden agenda to advance the race war, continue to portray blacks and other POC, people of color, as savages, and to further push Martial Law.

Black Lives Matter is funded by George Soros, a billionaire that heavily funds operations that further the agenda of a one world government. George Soros has admitted to funding the Syrian refugee crisis in order to bring down borders across Europe and Africa to promote unionizing the continents under one government. In order to bring the US into a state of Martial Law, military-controlled government that suspends ordinary law, there will have to be country-wide utter chaos and destruction. Enacting Martial Law would make it easier on the elites to bring forth a North American union, furthering the one-world government agenda. The best way to cause chaos in the US, would be to feed on the racism that this country was founded on.

In the past few years, the public has been bombarded non-stop with racial injustices and their cultural effects, it’s game the higher ups are playing. P.O.C. are angry about the racism and oppression in the US, just as we should be. On the other hand, the media constantly portrays P.O.C. as inhumane, savages that are ungrateful for what this nation has done for them, and through these portrayals, they are pandering to the WASP; white, anglo-saxon, protestant, population. The head of this pandering is Black Lives Matter.

BLM does not have the best interest for P.O.C. at hand. BLM is the cause of riots, lootings, and other forms of disorder that occurs at their protest. During the riots in Ferguson, MO, do you remember how the residents mentioned that the people who were looting and rioting were from other areas around the nation? What about every time the media mentions the war on police (as if there was ever one), do you notice how there is always a connection between the perpetrator and BLM?

Recently on social media, there has been talk about a man named Darren Seals, who was whole-heartedly outspoken against BLM. Seals was a leader in the black community of Ferguson, and was a resident during the time of Mike Brown’s murder and the aftermath. Seals often bumped heads with prominent BLM leaders up until his death, it was also reported that he and his 14 year old brother were pulled over by Ferguson PD, had guns drawn on them and were told to “choose your enemies wisely”.

We as P.O.C. have to be more acute and cautious when deciding who we choose as leaders. Our oppressors have a huge upper hand, and have infiltrated our organizations, and many P.O.C. have sold their own out.
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