Well, here we go again with the open mouth insert foot policy that TrumpsterJuice (Trump) seem to rely on. Even though Mr. TrumpsterJuice fired his campaign manager and watered down his hateration for minorities and anyone who has a brain. He still is clueless about the world. Trump keeps bringing up Clinton's record, but wants us to ignore his.
Let's not forget about the six bankruptcies he has; Hillary was cleared eight times of Benghazi. So why do he and the republicans keep trying to scare us into voting for him? Trump is a caricature and the United States of America is the laughing stock of the world. When United Kingdom decided to leave the European Union, Trump in all his foolishness traveled to a golfing community that he owns that is still in the union and praised the wrong community. The U.K. voters saw the error of their ways and signed petitions to take another vote.
I had to give it to TrumpsterJuice when he hired another loser to rework his image to look more presidential—it has helped his base! My question is: if a miracle does happen and he moves his racist-thin-skinned bully-having self into the white house, since he wants all immigrants to go to their native land, will he send his wife and kids to their homelands? I wonder did he demand his wife’s birth certificate before he dated her or any of his previous wives? Things that make you go hmmm...
Both Trump and Clinton have done shady things in their past; hasn’t everyone? My views are more aligned with Bernie and I can admit I, Nikita, felt the burn…. as much as I love burning water, I know that Hillary can and will get the job done if she has a supportive cast of congress and house of representatives that will pass bipartisan objectives that will benefit these United States of America. I am feeling energized by a new cast member on the democratic side Elizabeth Warren, she has barbecued TrumpsterJuices’ balls to the wall and shoved them down Chris Christy’s mouth.
Trump is like that dude on that movie “The Last Dragon” where he asked his peons (republicans) a question and they drink the Kool-Aid and say Sho-nuff. I believe that the U.S. will be in a state of shock if he won and we will be using that hashtag regrexit. Like the maid the movie "The Help" I want to talk to every voter and say…. You is important … You is smart…. And please do not vote for TrumpsterJuice that narcissistic-bigoted-entitled prick.