Being a millennial, I hear time and time again that we are "the future of this country." I think I speak for all of us when I say, "We know." We do not need to be reminded countless times of all the years we hopefully have left in this world.
After numerous encounters in my life, I have realized that other people, especially those much older than myself, expect me to be naive about the world, and incapable of forming my own, well-rounded opinions just because I am young. When someone makes me feel this way, I am insulted and my feelings are hurt.
Yes, I am a young adult in this world, but I am also fully capable of forming my own, valid opinions on any subject.
As a cashier at a grocery store, I see people of all ages every day. Some tell me I don't look old enough to even be working there. In conversations, people occasionally bring up their own very strong opinions on politics, religion, etc. I find these types of subjects to be both inappropriate and uncomfortable to discuss with someone who is a stranger to me. Of course, I respect every individual's different opinion. That's the beauty of the world. What I do not respect, though, is someone, whom I don't know, telling me what I should think on a given topic.
I have had people talk to me about politics. While they preach about a certain candidate, I kindly nod along. At the end of the conversation, they tell me I should vote for said candidate because he/she will help my generation since we are "The Future." I would never argue with anyone about their opinions, but please don't tell me what's good for me just because you think it would be. Maybe our opinions are similar, but I would not want to be told what to think just because I am a young adult.
I have even had someone ask me whether I am a Democrat or Republican. I responded, "Independent." Following my answer, the person continued to tell me who I should be voting for in November. Thank you for the advice, but I will, once again, from my own, informed opinion based on my own observations.
An older man, also a stranger, once brought up the topic of religion to me and scoffed at every answer I gave him simply because his views differed from mine. I was shocked at how rude he was being to me following the conversation.
I think it's time for everyone to realize that not every person has the same opinions on the world and that is OK. I know I don't have as much life experience as older generations, but that does not mean I cannot form thoughtful opinions. Some people also need to learn the appropriate setting, along with the appropriate person, certain topics require.
I am proud that I am capable and free, as a young adult, to form my very own, educated opinions on any topic I want.
So I appreciate and respect your opinions and views, but please do the same for mine.