People act like time is nothing now days. They take time for granted, just let it slip away. Time is everything. Don't waste your time on things that don't matter. Once someone or something is gone, you wish you could of went back into time and spent more time with that person. Make sure you spend time with people who mean the most to you, because once their gone, they are gone forever. I was just looking through some of the poems I have written in the past and thought this one was a good one to share with everyone. Don't let time slip away.
Time Is Slipping Away
By Jessica Handy
The time is slipping away from us
Just in a split second the memories we have made are like dust,
Blown away and forgotten just like that,
The time we had together is gone forever,
we can’t ever get it back.
Time is such a precious thing
I was your princess and you were my king,
Why you got sick when I was so young,
It’s a mystery that I wish could be undone.
Why my dear, sweet dad
Are you leaving me so soon?
You were my guiding star,
My sun and my moon.
Time is slipping away from us
We only have a little longer,
I can’t be much stronger so help me my dear father.
The time we have had,
Wasn’t nearly enough
To pack in an entire
Lifetime of love.