When it comes to other people and forming friendships and starting the foundation for a relationship or even keeping one going, it’s vital to recognize what you can control and what you have no power over; it’s important not to blur those lines because if you do, you’re going to be indefinitely disappointed.
I am someone who feels a lot, whether that’s being over joyous or sad to my core, and sometimes I let my emotions run amuck with an idea or a daunting thought, and it always deteriorates my mood until I wind up upset or questioning everything. When reality is, most choices, feelings, and thoughts going on for another person, virtually has nothing to do with me; I am little to no thought in consideration, but somehow I let their actions and words speak volumes to me when I should only let it be a gentle whisper I can choose to ignore.
Don’t take it personally……….
For me, I use to believe everything revolved around me, but IT DOES NOT. There’s so much we don’t see, know, or understand, and when things don’t go our way or people let us down, we automatically begin to question where we went wrong, where did we lack, what more could we have done. When truthfully, we just need to learn to not take it so personally because more often than not, it has nothing to do with us. You could be absolutely great, loving, and top-notch, but someone who isn’t in the right place or have the right timing can’t choose you and shouldn’t choose you if they’re not willing to choose you day in and day out. Infatuation comes and goes, so don’t lose heart over a crush that stayed for a minute then passed through when you wanted them to stay. Don’t get colder because you started to fall for someone and it wasn’t reciprocated— they just weren’t the one and that’s okay.
Although it’s easier said than done, don’t take everything to heart when it comes to other people because it’s nothing personal. At the end of the day, it’s on them, not you.