In middle school, everyone has expectations of what high school is going to be like. Most of the expectations derive from movies, TV showsnor the previous experiences of an older friend or family member. Some shows depict high school as this tense, high strung place where everyone is mean to each other, while other resources portray high school as a fun, high energy place full of drama. After my two years of experience, I can honestly say that high school doesn't completely fall under either of those categories.
I was a mess on my first day of high school. I remember crying for hours before the first day; I was so anxious for what awaited me at this new place. Every "what if," both rational and irrational, weighed on my shoulders as I was on my way to school. As I stepped off of the school bus, it felt like I was walking towards the school in slow motion; my breathing was short and fast and I was trembling ever so slightly. Once I walked through the door, it only took me a few steps to realize that this was just school.
There is so much unnecessary pressure surrounding high school, especially for people who plan on attending a four-year college or university. Colleges emphasize that they want well-rounded, involved students, but some high schoolers internalize this to the point where they bite off more than they can chew, or they're just genuinely unhappy. I've talked with people who are only taking certain classes or participating in activities only for college applications or because of another influence. Their motivation isn't coming from within, and, as a result, they aren't happy when they have practice volunteering. Sure, you aren't going to enjoy every class you take (I certainly don't) and there is a little bit of sacrifice involved when you're trying to plan for the future, but your happiness as a whole shouldn't be given up for a higher GPA or an extra thing to put on you resume.
High school relationships are heavily stressed, which can be yet another worrisome thing. Some worry about being single throughout high school and being made fun of because of it, while others are using up all of their energy to make a doomed relationship work. I've heard of some people missing class or failing to complete their work and other commitments because of their significant others. While some high school relationships do last after graduation, that percentage is relatively low. The companionship that comes along with having a significant other in high school is appealing, but the added stress that can be placed onto it doesn't always make it seem worth the time and effort.
My advice to anyone currently in high school or will be attending high school in the near future: Take what you get and try to see the best in it. As cheesy as it sounds, high school really is what you make of it. You can choose to stay at home instead of going to a home football game, or you can join a team or spirit club and be right on the sidelines screaming your lungs out. You can obsess over a relationship that ultimately ends up being a waste of time, or you can embrace the friends that you already have who will always lift you up.
It's important to be a little selfish when it comes to your life in high school. If everyone just focuses a little bit more on themselves and less on what other people are doing or what other people think, we would all be better off. Right now, I'm doing all that I can to make my second half of high school the best that I can. I'm taking classes and joining clubs because of my interests, not just to look better on college applications (even though that is definitely a bonus). I'm building relationships with my teachers and my peers, and trying my best to be honest and embrace the madness.
Good grades, community service, extracurriculars and friendships are all important, but it is possible to have it all while still having fun and enjoying your last few years of your childhood. It's also important to throw in some silly things every now and then, otherwise, what's the point? There will be few opportunities after high school to participate in certain clubs and do things with your friend group. Date who you want, take whatever courses you want and join whatever clubs you want, just remember that your happiness and goofy memories shouldn't need to be exchanged for them.