Some may argue that your college years aren't the best years of you life, but I completely disagree with that statement. Time and time again I've heard "college isn't everything" and "your best years are to come," but I cannot sit back and believe that. I am aware that someday I will get married, have children, and live out my dreams, but for now, college is my number one priority. I am blessed to have the ability to attend a university and have the freedom that I have.
As a junior in college, I can honestly say that I wish I was that freshman walking onto campus for the first time in my life. I wish that I was going to my first college football game. I wish that I was going to my first frat party. I would do anything to have the ability to go back and relive the past two years. College is the ONLY time that you are able to be who you are without feeling as if the entire world is judging you. It is this awkward stage where you are technically an adult, but not exactly. You are allowed to make mistakes and learn from them. You are allowed to wear crocs to class. You are allowed to go out on a Monday night, even though you have an 8 am lab the next morning. These are the years where you make life-lasting friendships. Attending college has introduced to so many incredible friends, some which will be the bridesmaids in my wedding someday. These are the years when you can truly live it up until you are thrown into reality.
If you are one of those people that told me "college is NOT your life," I'm sorry that you think that way. I'm not going to attend college without making the best of it. If you love something, do not be scared to make it top priority in your life. As cheesy as it sounds, you only live once. You only attend college ONCE. Why not make it the best years of your life? I pray that when next year rolls around, I can look back at all of the memories and be filled with joy. I hope that at graduation, I do not feel any regrets about making college my highest priority. Do NOT take your college years for granted. College is an opportunity to make the one life you are given an even more incredible one.