Imagine this: you're at the beach and it's a scorcher of a day. You're already sweating after being in the sun for only five minutes and you're dreading the thought of putting on sunscreen; sticky plus sweaty isn't necessarily your favorite combination. You're about to put your sunscreen on because your skin is practically frying in the sun when you drop the sunscreen bottle. In the sand. Now your sunscreen is not only sticky but sandy too! Great!!!
Why is it "natural" to get annoyed over the smallest things?
North Carolina has finally decided to be consistent with its weather forecast - hot, hot, and hot. My family and I spent a full week at the beach, and we knew exactly what to expect each day from Mother Nature. Luckily, I LOVE the beach. I practically live to go to the beach whenever I can. My family and I haven't taken a family beach vacation since 2014, so we were super excited to get the tradition back rolling.
It was one of those scorching days when I found myself so flustered and slightly annoyed on the beach. Why did it have to be so hot and humid? Why was the wind not blowing at all? Why is there sand everywhere - all over me, in the cooler, and in every bag we brought? Why are there creatures in the water that make me not want to swim? (seriously, I have never seen a stingray in the ocean before, much less multiple in one day)
Then, I had a lightbulb moment. Why am I letting the smallest stuff get to me? Here I am, surrounded by my family, the best people to be around, and I'm at the beach, my absolute favorite place to be.
It's about time for me to stop sweatin' the temperature and start soaking up all the good things around me.
If you're lucky enough to be on vacation, be thankful for the sunrises, sunsets, and sun rays. If you're like me sitting behind a desk at work, be thankful for the people (& maybe coffee) that make the workday a little bit shorter.
Life is so much better when you're slow to anger and you simply don't let the small things bother you. Instead, let things like supper with your family and sunny days OVERjoy you.
At the end of the day, life is too FUN to fret over little things like sand and degree symbols!