There are so many things that happen in our lives that make us want to crawl into bed and never come out.
Sometimes it can be the smallest thing that grabs hold of your mind, and you sit in your room thinking, "Why am I even crying about this? It's not a big deal." However, in that moment, it is a big deal and you cannot even start to imagine how to fix it.
Being someone who tends to take certain situations personally and will over-think something to it's grave, I have definitely had those days where I feel like everything is going downhill because one thing went wrong. I torture myself by going back and picking through every detail of a situation or conversation, figuring out where something could have gone wrong, and what I could have done to change it. However, if you think about it, this activity is pointless and draining.
As one of my best friends told me yesterday, "Life happens." You cannot always control what happens in life; you just have to go with the flow. Even if you have a perfect picture in your head of how a certain situation is going to go, it is not always going to play out the way you imagine it.
Don't let it consume you and drag you down. A few days, weeks, or months down the road you will realize it was stupid to stress about because it will have worked out the way you wanted it to or something new will have come along. Many times it was something so small that you do not even remember it.
So wake up everyday, smile, and know that it is a new day and there are new things in store. Looking back at the past will distract you from the amazing things to come in the future. Everything happens for a reason, and you have to take the initiative to start believing it.