Hey Me,
I am writing to you as I eat a TV dinner (it's pretty good), taking a break from the numerous papers you have due next week. I know what you're thinking. "How can I be taking a break at a time like this?" Relax. That's what this whole letter is about.
Do you know that you've been in school since you were five-years-old? You've been getting an education your entire life, and from the way things are looking, you aren't even close to being finished yet. That's why you have to stop stressing about college; you have big dreams about that next degree.
And, please, don't worry. I haven't forgotten the motto:
I just want you to remember a few things, OK? You'll thank me later.
First, the lowest grade you've ever gotten has been (wait for it) a "B."
That's right, a "B." That is the lowest grade you've ever gotten, Miss Born-to-be-a-student. Not to mention, your B's have only been in your math classes. This brings me to my next point.
You're smart. Being a student / going to school is totally your thing. Don't sell yourself short because you've run out of words for your last papers. You're an English major who has been writing for 16 weeks straight. A normal person would run out of words way before that. Give yourself more credit because you deserve it.
You have to take a break sometimes. I'm doing it for you right now! I want you to really let yourself chill out. Don't get burned out.
Everybody needs a day (or more) to rest their brains and take care of themselves. If school gave people Graded-Time-Off, then you'd have years and years saved up. Do yourself a favor and pretend Graded-Time-Off exists and use some of it!
However, I do know your other motto. The big one, "I'll relax when I'm 30 and powerful!" But, guess what? You're never going to see "30 and powerful" if you don't make it to "25 and stable." You have to take care of yourself. Physically and mentally. If you do that, then trust me, there will be plenty of time to be super cool and successful.
Besides, if you want to be as cool as Miranda Priestly in "The Devil Wears Prada," then you're going to need your education. All of it.
So, with all that being said, I really don't have much left for you. The other half of this is up to you. Read this letter after your last final, and you'll see how much it helped. There's only one more gift I can leave you with:
Mark just told you to relax, so you better do it.