You may think that with time being away at college will get easier, and that is true. But there are those breaking points, when work gets too hard or friends aren't there to help you get through your personal problems. Those are the breaking points that can get to any college student, but when those times hit you here is a list of easy ways to help you calm your brain and get you back on track to the perfect college experience!
1. Plug in and Put it down!
You should have that playlist on your laptop or phone that gets you. You should have a collection of songs that just speak to you, they are a bunch of different genres mixed together that make you feel better. The hard part is to put your phone down; don't let the silly little things get to you. You are in a fragile state and Netflix is just the perfect fix to free your thoughts.
2. FaceTime Your Family
One of the most satisfying thing is when you sit down and just FaceTime your family not worrying about what is happening next. Sitting down in a quiet room just talking to them and asking how there day went and them asking about yours is a very nice feeling. You get the feeling that you are back at home and that you are missed. It might sound silly but I can say that if I don't FaceTime or call my mom at least once a day I feel lost. You may not have been that close with your family but being away at college truly changes the relationship you have with your family.
3. Don't Ignore Those Who Care
You may be in that state of mind where you want to ignore everything and everyone, but that's not always the answer. Being at college, you have people who truly care about you! You might be in that mood to ignore them but its not the answer. Odds are, they did nothing wrong and your mad at something else. But you ignoring them makes them feel like they did something wrong. Do not make your friends feel like they did something wrong when your are having an off day. They are your college family and they love you almost as much as your real family!
4. Forgive and Forget
At the moment whatever happened to you might seem like the end of the world, but I can promise you that it is not. You may feel lost and alone, but what are friends for? Although you may be mad you need to forgive them because you are all in the same boat, stressed and not at home. As Hannah Montana once said, "Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days, everybody knows what I'm talkin' bout, everybody gets that way."
5. Don't Waste Your Time
You are a college student, do you really have time to be upset over what happened? Well, I will give you the answer, NO! You do not have time to feel bad for yourself, you have about 100 other things that you should be worrying about. College is a whole new experience and you need a clean, fresh mind going into every new thing that you encounter at college.
You might feel as if you are weighted down from all the college stress, but you can do it. Everyone has complete faith in you!