Mental health is a term that has been ignored frequently regarding our society's current outlook on the entirety of life. Many even claim to say that it merely "doesn't exist." Some say it's a cry for attention, a way to get the spotlight or even an excuse to be removed from uncomfortable situations. But what is mental health? And why does the term receive so much backlash and controversy ideologies? Let's go ahead and break it down.
By definition, mental health is ' a person's condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being.' First of all, the phrase that claims mental health "doesn't exist," is just frankly incorrect. Every individual has mental health. Mental health isn't a choice; it is something we are all born with. However, others argue that using things such as depression, anxiety, etc. to talk about the mental states of certain individuals is just about attention. This is also an opinion that people are entitled to possess, but in terms of factual information, it is also incorrect.
In older eras, it was uncommon for people to discuss their mental health as freely as some choose to discuss their own in current society. Many people feel that people merely discuss it to gain pity from their audience rather than to bring attention to a taboo topic. I personally have had to deal with stigma from other's whom I love regarding this topic. Many times, people are quick to ignore it and say that it is something to discuss later or inappropriate discussion for whatever time it is being brought up. From someone who is affected by her mental health every morning when she wakes up, this is extremely hurtful to swallow.
Mental health is abused by some people, just as many things are over exaggerated and overdone by many people about many things, but mental health for many people is not something to brag about. It is something to discuss and make people aware of. By doing so, this can not only save somebody's life in need but encourage someone else that may have needed the extra push to come out and discuss their own mental health issues. Sometimes the extra pat on the back from a fellow struggler can positively influence another to get the help that they need.
Mental health will always be a taboo topic and not many people will understand or even accept it, but understanding that a large majority of society genuinely wants to make people aware of the subject rather than flaunt an authentic disability is vital to understand. Because I am personally affected by my own mental health, it crushes me to see other people shut their fellow friends, family or acquaintances down for speaking up about their mental health. It doesn't affect the general public to gain knowledge and education about the subject. If anything, it should make people feel invigorated and ready to discuss this taboo topic. Remember that next time mental health is discussed around you to discuss the topic delicately. You never truly know what someone is going through!