Most people eventually want to get married to the one they love. They want to find a person who can make them happy and support them through anything. The sad part is that a lot of people settle for less than they want or deserve. It could be out of fear that they won't find someone more suited to their desires and they'll end up lonely, or it could be that they don't see how much they deserve.
The hookup culture makes the problem even worse because people are constantly settling for strictly physical "relationships." They don't want to share the best parts of themselves, the qualities that make them individuals, so they instead cheapen sex and sleep with whoever fits the bill that night.
Maybe hooking up is easier because you know it won't last with the person and you don't prepare for more. It's the complete opposite in a relationship because you are committing yourself to one person for a long time, not expecting it to come to an end.
Even if marriage is a long way away, don't let yourself settle in any kind of relationship. Think of the kind of love you want, the kind that would make you happiest, and wait for it.
Don't let yourself settle for someone who only calls you when they're lonely and makes you feel like a last resort. Don't settle for a person who expects you to be available whenever they need you, but is never there for you in return. Don't settle for someone who treats you like you're inferior and makes you feel flawed. Don't settle for a person who wants you at night, but doesn't want to be seen with you during the day.
Instead, wait for someone who makes you feel special, loved, and significant. Wait for the one who puts a smile on your face just by walking into a room, and makes you happy when their name lights up your phone screen. Wait for the one who wants to be with you and is proud of it - the one who enjoys being seen with you in public.
Have you ever met someone and felt an instant connection? A connection that happened naturally and effortlessly simply because you both have similar ideals or senses of humor? Wait for a connection like that.
Do you have a friend or significant other who can take one look at you and know when something is wrong or if there's something you're not saying? A person who knows you so well that they can read right through you? Wait for a person like that.
There are almost 7.5 billion people on Earth. Don't settle because you're afraid the person you want isn't out there. However, don't ask more of someone else than you can ask of yourself.
Your person is out there; don't miss out because you chose to settle for less.