“I’m just tired of being lonely." I’ve heard this phrase, or something similar, far too many times from single people around me. People that are sick of being alone and find themselves putting too much effort into another person who just isn’t worth it. They try to make it work with someone who isn’t as invested into a relationship as they are, who “doesn’t have the time,” or ultimately, someone who isn’t treating them the way they deserve to be treated.
It hurts me seeing my friends struggle to put themselves out there and get shut down by some mediocre person who doesn’t deserve them. People hope that guys (or girls) will finally grow up and settle down, instead of wanting to sleep with anything breaths.
I don’t think anyone purposely tries to settle for someone. I believe it’s something more subconscious. I’ve seen a lot of people who don’t think they deserve something better than what they have previously received or are currently receiving in a relationship. Because of this, people “settle” for the first person who shows some sort of interest.
I read a quote that goes something like this, “Settling means letting go of things that are important to who you are, what you believe in, how you would like to be treated and loved.” I can’t say I’m not guilty of this, just the same as many other people in relationships, or looking for one.
Thinking back on previous relationships, I remember settling. I realized I wasn’t being treated the way I wanted to, and I tried to think of ways to change myself so that my significant other would treat me differently. I never felt good enough, but I was wrong.
I didn’t need to change myself to be treated the way I deserved. Instead, I needed to let go of the relationship and find something better. Little did I know, I would soon find someone who treated me like gold.
There is no reason to let go of being a hopeless romantic because trust me, the right guy will come along when it’s the right time.
The moral of the story here is, why would you want to be with someone who doesn’t value you? Why try to be with a person who doesn’t enjoy your presence as much as you enjoy theirs?
My biggest advice is to stop trying to force something. That’s it. I’m not saying don’t put any effort in, but it’s important to realize your own worth, and if someone is not reciprocating your actions and the love you are giving them, it’s time to move on.
So remember, next time you’re feeling lonely, don’t go texting that guy who doesn’t give you the time of day because you deserve so much more. Don’t get so caught up in wanting a relationship that you lose sight of what you’re actually looking for in a partner.
And keep in mind, being single isn’t so bad.
Many people associate being single with being lonely, but that isn’t always the case. Take the time to enjoy yourself and stop looking for another person to fulfill your happiness. Once you find happiness within yourself, you won’t settle for anything less than wonderful.