It's an inevitable factor that life is not always easy. Things are tossed at you from all different angles, the good and the bad. At times it can be hard to outweigh the bad with the good, but the best thing you can do is just breathe and have faith.
Recently, I had an early morning car ride into the city with my dad, way earlier than I would have liked, but he said a few things that I don't think he realized had as big of an impact on me as they did.
"Don't sell yourself short"
This was something that I know I have heard before, but I never really put it into any type of perspective until it came out of my dads mouth. The words rolled off his tongue and instantly struck me. Don't sell yourself short. I immediately typed it into a note in my phone.
This four word phrase resonated with me like never before. I realized the extent of my abilities and the endless capabilities I have in this world. At times, when I am not not myself these things distant themselves from my mind, but somebody saying something so simple had the ability to shoot them straight back into my soul. I realized that I cannot sell myself short in this world. I have to be the person that I am meant to be. My dad made me see the endless opportunities I have in this world, and my capability of accomplishing them.
"You have an infectious personality."
The second thing during this early morning car ride that I immediately put into my notes was when my dad told me I had an infectious personality. Now, I know I have definitely heard this before, but it came from a coach, in a newspaper article, not from my dad. Hearing those words come from that man really made me realize who I am as an individual.
My dad made me realize the impact I have on those around me. My constant aura of positivity and happiness goes farther than I've realized. It took me being down, and my dad attempting to lighten my day to realize, but I finally have. An infectious personality is not just something that somebody tells you to make you feel better, it has meaning behind it. I am happy to be called an infectious person because knowing that I have the ability to impact those around me gives me a greater feeling than anything else in the world. A simple smile can go a long way, and because hearing my dad say that, I have smiled more than ever before.
It is so easy and simple to be a good person, but sometimes it takes another person pointing out the good in your for you to realize how good you actually are.
So this is me pointing it out to you. I guarantee you are an incredible human being. So don't sell yourself short. Be the person you are meant to be, and give yourself your own infectious personality. When things are not going as planned in life, look up, look at yourself, and keep moving forward with a smile.