I swear when all you see is the surface of someone you're forget it took work to get there. I think growing up I always wished instead of being blessed for the present. I can't lie, I'm still that person just an improved version. I don't sit around all day thinking why is someone so perfect and I still can't even remember to charge my phone at night. I swear living in this world makes it so hard to have flaws without feeling like you behind. Looking in the mirror some days I can still see that little girl who didn't want to go to school because she was being picked on.
Let's just say now I've grown women and still compare myself to others. I, of course, blame the media because why else would women compare themselves? I probably could care less about another female if it weren't for the media telling us we have to look a certain way. But this is another story, let's focus on how it is a constant battle to grow naturally. It has been a personal struggle my whole life to not feel behind. I swear I matured too fast and how I'm just trying to balance out what I bypassed at an accelerated speed. Every day is filled with questions wondering how the next person does it. I think college is a breading ground for not feeling like you are enough. The battle to be on top of your class is the worst fight of your life alone. Looking around at everyone and wondering why are they so successful and I cant' get an internship. Everyone seems to be in this yacht you weren't even in the right boating arena to get a glimpse of what it looks like. Everyone on the yacht looks like they are having the time of their lives and don't have the everyday problems you have just waking up. It's crazy because this is the exact idea which drives a persona crazy to forget everyone is human. Just because you can't see anything but their success doesn't mean it was better than yours will be. Nothing happens overnight,keep pushing.
Even though I rambled about in this post I want to make the point clear not to rush your come up. Comparing yourself to everyone is inevitable and even when you try your hardest it can't be avoided. Your come up is going to be a natural process that will come when you are ready. Sometimes you don't even know what's going on behind the screens and forget to enjoy every moment before you hit your peak. Everyone may seem like they have it together but remember, They were either where you are now, or are still there and hide it well. Never let the success of others make you downplay your own. The come up will come so relax, and enjoy the ride.