Please don't rush life.
I can't stress enough how important this is. I hear so many people on a daily basis talking about how they can't wait to graduate, get out of their parents' house, have their own family, and the list goes on and on. I have some words of advice for you...
Do. Not. Rush. Life. Cherish every moment.
When I was a sophomore in high school and I couldn't wait to get out of my parents' house and be living on my own. I would dream about a different kind of freedom I would be experiencing and how I would have no one to tell me what to do, how to do something, when to be home, or even when to get up. I would also always dream about my life after college. I imagined where I would be with my career, what my wedding day would look like, what my house would look like, how many pets and kids I would have running around. I mean, everyone dreams of those kinds of things and that's totally okay, but don't dream your life away.
Let's use college for an example (PSA to all high school students). I remember what it was like being excited to live on my own and wishing that the day would come fast, but you never really realize how fast it actually comes until you are spending your last days with your family reminiscing on old memories, packing up the last few things that couldn't fit into box number twenty, and saying goodbye. And let me tell you, saying goodbye is the hardest part. You've lived and known these people for the past 18 years of your life. They supported you, cheered you on, and were people who were willing to let you cry on their shoulder (and will continue to do all of these things, it'll just be different). Now you're starting over, away from your family, away from the home you lived in for many years, away from your friends, away from you beloved pets, away from what you're used to.
I'm not saying college sucks by any means, because it doesn't. What sucks is wishing the day would come right this moment, but then when it does, you realize this is it. You will go weeks, maybe even months without seeing your parents, your grandparents, siblings, friends, pets. There will be times when you want to just hug your mom, but you can't. There will be times when you just want to lay in bed and cuddle your cat/dog because you've had a bad day, but you can't. And there will definitely be times you want to pack everything up and just move back home, but you can't. I guess what I'm trying to say is, again, don't rush life. Let every moment count. You never know when the next time you'll see someone or hear their voice again.
So please, cherish every moment of every day, because one day it'll be too late.