I cannot begin to explain the frustrations I have as a millennial when it comes to politics. I am so bothered by the ignorance swarming social media lately. It's amazing how kids my age think they know everything about anything when their fact source is some article on Twitter. It’s simple, when someone is a Trump Support they are racist bigots, and Hillary is a crook. But my opinion is not based off of a meme I saw or just the basic teenage response when it comes to politics, I took my own time to watch live debates and look into the candidates platforms. I have nothing against anyone who opposes my opinion or likes Trump, so with that being said here are eight reasons why I am voting for Hillary Clinton and not Donald Trump.
- Hillary Clinton has over 20 different ideas and stances on America’s issues on her home page. She has six different category tabs for topics such as education and health and within each subtab there are multiple ideas she has in order to improve the given topic. Whereas Trump only has seven stances with a few broad opinions within each stance. In fact, two of his stances both discuss the same thing so he truly only has six different stances. No where on Trump’s page does he even mention education, the environment, or equality.
- I cannot vote for a man who admires an unjust despicable leader "He's running his country and at least he's a leader, unlike what we have in this country," Trump said when asked by "Morning Joe" Republican host Joe Scarborough about Putin's alleged killing of journalists and political opponents. After that Trump continues to say, "I think our country does plenty of killing also, Joe, so you know. There's a lot of stupidity going on in the world right now, a lot of killing, a lot of stupidity," he said. Finally, Trump was asked whether or not he agrees with Putins brutal tactics, Trump responded: "Sure, absolutely." I fear for my life is a president who agrees with brutal tactics becomes our president.
- Hillary Clinton understands the middle class better than Donald Trump does. Many can say Donald Trump is a hardworking man who started from the bottom and is now worth millions. However, Donald Trump also received a “small loan of a million dollars." Whereas Clinton grew up in middle class and she truly understands the struggles of the average citizen.
- Hillary Clinton has accomplished a lot of things in her lifetime that still impact society to this day. An example is Clinton created CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program) while being first lady. This assisted millions of children with health care even to this day. I can only imagine the great things she would accomplish as president. Now if we had Trump as a president, we’d have Melania as the first lady who ended up just plagiarizing the current first lady, Michelle Obama.
- Although there is a lot of controversy over Hillary Clinton and her emails, I rather vote for someone who deleted some emails over a racist, bigoted man. Now, I am not saying Trump is a racist bigoted man because that's what the majority of democrats say but because there are multiple situations in which Trump outwardly discriminated minorities. My first example was in Trump’s earlier days when he was a “hardworking man.” Trump and his father discriminated against minorities when renting out their property. The federal government had two undercover women try and rent out his property, one white and one black. Sadly, the black woman was told there was nothing available but the white woman was given the option between two apartments. Not only that but Trump’s employees had a special code they would put on minorities applicants No.7 and C for colored. Eventually with enough evidence, the feds took Trump to court. Trump rebuttled back by suing the government for 100 million claiming they wrongfully accused him of discrimination. Sorry, Trump but the proof is in the pudding. Trump rightfully lost the case. A few years after the first case he was sued again for turning down minorities from renting his property. Now, I will give you a more recent example. Trump allegedly denies knowing anything about white supremacists advocating for his presidency. "I don't know anything about what you're even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists," he said. "So I don't know. I don't know -- did he endorse me, or what's going on? Because I know nothing about David Duke; I know nothing about white supremacists.” It baffles me such a “smart educated man” is clueless to the fact white supremacy exists and the fact they support him. Even if he magically wasn’t aware of this, he should have automatically said he has no association with these groups and condemned them for their racial affiliations.
- Hillary Clinton has so much support from government officials ranging from governors to representatives. Trump doesn’t even have the speakers of the house, Paul Ryan’s, support. I don’t want a president who is going to get nothing done in office because they are too busy building a wall.
- Along with six, I am totally against building a wall. Who is Donald Trump to say who can and cannot come into this country? As I recall, another country built a wall and America criticized them heavily for it. Why waste taxpayer money on a 2,000 mile long wall and instead use it to improve America? If Trump wants to make America great again, he can do so by using that wall money for things such as bettering education and improving the impoverished cities and towns.
I cannot vote for a man who has little to no respect for women. On the other hand, Hillary is empowering women nationwide with her touching words and actions. In her latest speech at the democratic convention Hillary said, “I may become the first woman president, but one of you is the next.” This empowering line brought me to tears. So now how can I vote for a man who says things like “That must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees.” (Trump said this to a contestant on his show “Celebrity Apprentice”) How can I vote for a man "divided the room between girls he personally found attractive and those he did not. … Some of the girls were sobbing backstage after he left." (This claim was made by a former Miss California contestant Carrie Prejean) How can I vote for a man who said if he would date his own daughter if she wasn’t his daughter.
These are only a few examples of Trump’s disgusting behavior towards women, that in itself should be a huge red flag.